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  1. Another Clutch Problem

    My 3320 had the same problem this spring. I followed the same steps but I found a little rust on the clutch shaft. Soaked it with penetrating oil and with the clutch pedal depressed, inserted a length of wood to the shaft through the inspection window and tapped it several times with heavy...
  2. stuck clutch

    I drilled 1/2 inch hole 1 inch to the front of inspection plate. An "ole timer" recommending spraying Nutt Buster rust remover between pressure plate and clutch disk as I gently inserted a standard screwdriver between the two. After repeating the procedure around the entire clutch, I waited...
  3. Replacement parts

    Thank you, Renze. I'll get this old girl a new lease on life. It's been a good one.
  4. Replacement parts

    3320 tractor. Southern USA. Where can I order clutch and pressure plate assemblies? What is recommended to be the best unit for this tractor to prevent buttress cap and sticking clutch in the future. Also kit for power steering cylinder. Thanks guys!
  5. power steering cyl. kit for 3320

    I hope so because I need one also.
  6. buttress caps

    Thank you Dave!!
  7. buttress caps

    Thanks for the reply----How do I determine if a cap is broken or cracked? Is it obvious by looking at each finger as I rotate the engine?
  8. buttress caps

    How do you identify a cracked or broken b-cap without disassembling the clutch finger?
  9. stuck clutch

    Inspected each clutch finger as neighbor worked clutch pedal. All fingers working in same manner and movement. I did not pick up any odd movement from any fingers. Weather is still a problem. I'll be moving tractor to neighbor"s work shop and begin preparation for separation unless other ideas...
  10. stuck clutch

    Thanks Mike. Bad weather through Thursday. I'll be back on it then.
  11. stuck clutch

    My brother moved it about 20 feet while cutting the grass for me after my surgery. He said the gears ground a bit getting it into reverse but immediately engaged. He said it may have been he had not engaged the clutch pedal properly. This shop manual I had gotten when I bought the tractor in '95...
  12. stuck clutch

    Thanks mike.I've tried starting in gear and in high gear hitting the brakes hard-----no luck. Help me identify the buttress cap. Is it part of the attachment at the base of the finger with two nuts?
  13. stuck clutch

    Shame on me for not mentioning the clutch free play at the beginning. Pedal is firm and slave cylinder is moving past the 1/2 inch minimum. I'm not a mechanic but I love working on problems like this since my retirement. I have checked the simple adjustments first. The internal workings of the...
  14. stuck clutch

    My bad! Engine is turning as I rotate pressure plate. I'm back to soaking clutch for a few days and then try one last time to break it loose. By the weekend I'll start the separation if all fails.
  15. stuck clutch

    As you look through the inspection hole, I am turning the large drum to the left side with the clutch fingers to the small throwout bearing.
  16. stuck clutch

    I can turn the pressure plate with a screw driver with the transmission in gear without turning the engine. That is with the clutch pedal engaged and in gear. Hitting the starter with clutch pedal engaged and in gear caused the tractor to pull forward.
  17. stuck clutch

    Thanks skin 7245, I'll give it a try. Also worth mentioning----with tractor in gear, I can turn pressure plat (?) through the observation window. I would think it would be locked tight with the clutch stuck. I might have other problems?
  18. stuck clutch

    I had forgotten to mention in my first post that I am new to this forum so hello everyone. In a last ditch effort to avoid splitting the tractor, I'm going to soak the clutch plate with kerosine. All components seem to be ok through the inspection window. I may have to drill a 1/2 inch hole...
  19. stuck clutch

    3320 1995 ---parked since June 2012. slave cyl ok and with inspection plate removed I can see throwout bearings moving both engine and pto. Engine runs in neutral but gear grinds with clutch pedal depressed. I have rocked the tractor in 4th and 5th gear with another tractor but not successful...