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8011 split shift problems?


Level 1
Jan 28, 2012
First name
smash n machine
gday all new to this forum,

so i have recently aquired a zetor 8011 from a decesed estate in running order so to speak, i have been around this tractor for years knowing it in the family, anyway untill now i neva really cared what was wrong with it and now that i own it i wana fix it up so the question is this:

is the split shift between low and high worth fixing, all i know is from what im told hasent worked for years and neva worked really well anyway from new?
Depends on whats wrong.
Check it out properly. First thing to do is to make sure that the lever in the dash is actually connected to the valve. it is quite common for it the short link to come off the ball on the valve arm under the floor.Check it from the left side of the tractorand if it isn't connected consider taking the floor up to refit it as it may not be obvious where it goes.
Then check PTO operation.this uses the same hyd pump so if it works OK then there is hyd power to the TA pack valve.
When the lever is moved does anything happen?
If nothing happens then its probably a valve problem, if it moves but "slips" then its a problem in the pack in the front of the gearbox and if drive stops completely then you may have a broken brake band thats around the pack.
I think its worth fixing and usually doesn't cost mega bucks for parts, but can run up a big labour bill if you have to split the tractor because nothing except the valve is accessable from outside. Including the PTO/TA hyd pump.
My brother replaced brake bands without splitting the tractor, by cutting the mounting eye off the new brake band, sticking it through the confined space around the drum, then riveting the new brake band back together with a piece of the old brake band as a patch. Works a charm
from what im told the problem is that it slips to much in high to be any use.

2: last time the tractor was split for that anoying little gearbox seal the little lever on the dash was just left disconnected off the dash cause no one used it.

3: the pto engauge works perfect, the hydrolic pump was replaced a few years ago and hasent done much work since

4: i have to split the tractor again in the next coming months anyway to replace that silly little gearbox seal again(done 3000 hours since last split), in which case whats the easyest way to check/ possibly fix the problem whilst i have it split?
Bump? Any more to add?

Im about to split it its parked up and have the rail slides set up, would really like abit more info on this
So i have the tractor split and rolled apart i have found the problem seal in the main housing which im in the process of getting new ones, but to be sure i can see 2 pumps in this housing one is obviously the power steering the other i assumed is the regular hydrolic pump and not the ta pump you ppl are talking about, is the ta pack on the other side of the gearbox cause if it is im not to keen pulling it further apart for no reason if i dint need to

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