could be low
compression, faulty injector, faulty injector pump or governor.......... or even a sticky valve or tight tappet.
is the miss better or worse under load?
is it better or worse when hot/cold
is the miss regular (-bang,bang,bang,miss-) or intermittent? (bang bang,miss,bang,miss,miss,bang,bang,bang,bang,miss,bang,miss)
is there Blue or White smoke coming out the exhaust?...... if so, in puffs or continuously?
is there any (visible) blow-by out the crankcase breather?
if it is a regular miss, you can check which CYL by loosening off the injector pipes one at a time (to cause a miss) with the engine running at no load and at ~1400-1500rpm ..... Whichever injector pipe makes little or no difference.... that's the problem one...... also note that diesel is coming out the loosened pipe.
to test under load conditions, loosen off 3 at once........ The remaining CYL should develop just enough power to keep the engine spinning at mid revs at full power. Check the engine speed running on each of the 4 cyl's and note if one CYL is down on power............. as well as any changes in smoke or blow-by
good luck with the testing, from your answers we should be able to identify the problem