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question Advise regarding Zetor, 10145, 1993


Level 1
Apr 19, 2016
First name
Hi all
Am looking at a Zetor 10145 with turbo and have a few questions.
Mainly wondering what the difference between this and the old zetor 8011 is, I assume the engine is the same with a turbo,
How about the gearbox, is it different, and in what way, has it still
4 forward, with hi low, and a direction lever, has it the same torque selector as the 8011, is it faster on the road, and are the brakes still dry disk.
The seller says it 1993, but did they not stop making them in 91.
Any advise much appreciated.

Regards, john
Has anyone any information regarding the difference between the 10145 and the old 8011.
is that the 93 10145 that's on done deal today?
Yes, I was considering going to look at it, but from the horror stories I heard from others I was just wondering if anything changed in them to make them worth a shot.
Its a good looking tractor alright only missing lower back window, front tyres are a bit worn. its missing the shaft to the cab for adjusting the levelling box. I see the back window was never broken has the defroster. missing the left mirror. it still has the cover over the pto, it may have been repainted, the red looks a bit too bright compared to the rest of her.
I would disregard the hours on the clock. it might be a 40k, if so, check its brakes. its basically the same as 8011, it could be 1993 zetor sold thousands of them up till 1995.

I had a couple of these 10145 & 10245 over the years they were good nice steering good power.
Thanks for the info, spoke in passing to someone local who had one, he said it was not like the old crystal, he took the turbo off and as he said it was a matter of too much time waiting for the power to kick in if you waited a second too long before putting down your foot, he said it was either stay in a lower gear with much higher revs or remove the turbo and stay in a higher gear where you could lift off and re apply power without lag. He said the extra speed also kills the power a bit, but without the turbo it was easier to work for him, no dead spots, I get the impression he did not like the gearbox as he said it too gave trouble and needed replaced, and the man is a very mechanically minded type.
Am also wondering if this is AWD, instead of selectable 2/4 wheel drive.
So I will keep on looking for the likes of a Crystal or a 77 series as it will have enough power for me.
Someone told me the gear locations on these tractors although there is still 4 of them, they are not in the same position as on the old crystals, can anyone confirm this.
Thanks, john
Someone told me the gear locations on these tractors although there is still 4 of them, they are not in the same position as on the old crystals, can anyone confirm this.
Thanks, john

The 40kmh overdrive transmissions had the 3 and 4 in opposed direction. The 3 was on the right side of the 2.

Thanks Renze, I intend to have a look at one shortly, you never know what one will find when the cab door opens, lots of modders in Ireland.

Regards, john
Horror stories about Ursus or ZTS tractors dont occur untill the late 90's when every bit of workmanship and material quality is squeezed out of them, in order for the factories to break even on the declining sales numbers.

1993 is from the good era, before the cost cuttings.
1993 is from the good era, before the cost cuttings.

I say the one on done deal is on a 93 reg but was probably bought in 90 - 92. but yes the 95 Zetor 9245 with the problem infected gearbox I had, got gearbox from 86 9111 put into it.

Also, the Zetor UR3 range was introduced in 1991 and offered more value for money than the UR2. They had to compete within their own ranks...

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