Well.. Actually the original spreader i bought from my neighbor, for 100 Euro, was a bit disappointing. It had good 10-15 ballon tires and hard beater drums that were in reasonable shape.
The uper bed frame was totally rotten, from the cold rolled U beams i could break out the upper flange with my bare hands, it was totally "cancered in" as some old steel workers call it.
Then i remembered that my brother, 15 years ago, bought the used spreader of my other neighbor, with the same frame just 15 years older. That one was used as a fence post wagon and had been sitting under the bush most of the years. But my neighbor was very actively with the bitumen paint, and this frame was still very good, except for some smaller corrosion holes.
I have cleaned the frame with a steel brush in the angled disk grinder (a 2300 W Hitachi

) and put a very good layer of tar paoint on the underside and other invisible parts, and red primer on the visible parts. A big oak tree, that lied around in the bush for 10 years, drying, served me well as sidewall and bottom planks, the local sawmill asked 75 Euro for the job.
At the moment i have too much other things, and the finishing paint, plus rebuilding the rear beater drums, will wait till after Christmas...
The estimated costs is, 20 euro for steel, 100 Euro for paint and steel brushes, 250 Euro for parts (one new shaft, one gearwheel and all bearings replaced), 50 Euro for wood.
The estimated trade price is 1350-1500 Euro... But saving the cost of a contractor (about 400-450 Euro a year) pays even better..
And: the joy of spreading after a long day of work at an annoying office is invaluable !!