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Hydraulic log splitter

Ireland treaney

Level 1
Jul 10, 2003
First name
I'll take some digital photos of my home made hydraulic log splitter over Christmas and ask Renze to post. Great device - saves a lot of sweat!.

It cost me about Euro E50 to make excluding the spool valve and hydraulic cylinder which I had already.

Only basic tools are required - electric arc welder and angle grinder. I got 26mm holes punched in flat steel by steel supplier in his hydraulic press/punch. Get prepared and half a day later you have a very useful tool.


Yes, that tool is on my wish list too... I havent had time yet, first have to finish rebuilding my 3 ton Schuitemaker manure spreader.

That spreader is over 25 years old but due to it's solid, very simple but accurate construction, very popular int he second hand market, an overhauled one, in 2003, is more expensive as it it was new 30 years ago.

Phot implementation in the forum might become available around christmas time, when i have enough spare time to add some scripts, that are pretty basic (useless) on their own, but if i could blend them into the X-forum performance, they might do very well up here. :)

The Schuitemaker manure spreader must be a "quality item"[/] if it is still in operation after 30 years - especially with the stuff it has to deal with!

If you can allow us to load photos that would be fantastic. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Happy Christmas to you in the Sternboos and to all the other Zetor forum folk

Well.. Actually the original spreader i bought from my neighbor, for 100 Euro, was a bit disappointing. It had good 10-15 ballon tires and hard beater drums that were in reasonable shape.

The uper bed frame was totally rotten, from the cold rolled U beams i could break out the upper flange with my bare hands, it was totally "cancered in" as some old steel workers call it.

Then i remembered that my brother, 15 years ago, bought the used spreader of my other neighbor, with the same frame just 15 years older. That one was used as a fence post wagon and had been sitting under the bush most of the years. But my neighbor was very actively with the bitumen paint, and this frame was still very good, except for some smaller corrosion holes.
I have cleaned the frame with a steel brush in the angled disk grinder (a 2300 W Hitachi :cool::love:) and put a very good layer of tar paoint on the underside and other invisible parts, and red primer on the visible parts. A big oak tree, that lied around in the bush for 10 years, drying, served me well as sidewall and bottom planks, the local sawmill asked 75 Euro for the job.

At the moment i have too much other things, and the finishing paint, plus rebuilding the rear beater drums, will wait till after Christmas...

The estimated costs is, 20 euro for steel, 100 Euro for paint and steel brushes, 250 Euro for parts (one new shaft, one gearwheel and all bearings replaced), 50 Euro for wood.

The estimated trade price is 1350-1500 Euro... But saving the cost of a contractor (about 400-450 Euro a year) pays even better..

And: the joy of spreading after a long day of work at an annoying office is invaluable !!

I have about 80% off my machines re-built. Long winter and low budjet are the mainly reasons. We also make some specially mashines our self. This save lots of money and we got a machine exactly we like. At this moment I have 3 project (sander machine, 5 m^3, to sanding slippery roads, bucket to my excavator and modification of our cultivator connected behind 8 m^3 manure tank). The hydraulic wood splitter would be good machine, but I havent had time to make it..... yeat!

Shame I dont have a digital camera.:mad: I was waiting if Santa would bring it to me but it didnt:( Maybe I havent been kind enought69)
Markku, what tractor is going to pull the 8 m3 tank with the cultivator ?? Your 6341 ??

We have a 3 pt hitch behind our 6 m3 tanker, to attach a three meter cultivator. When we first had it, it was pulled by our 4712, only 45 hp !! Our own, and our neighbor's front weights were not sufficient to keep the front wheels on the ground.. :cool:;)
That 4712 was tested on a PTO brake, it did 53 PTO hp :love:

We dont use the cultivator behind the tanker so much anymore, we had some wet years, and then it's better to spread wide, with a drive lane every 12 meter, than every 3 meter. The tank is just a bit heavy for wet soil, so we try to reduce the passes with the heavy tank.

We used two lifting arms of an old Zetor , with a crossbar welded inbetween them for stability. It was pulled up by a cylinder on top of the tanker, attached by a steel cable, with a wheelbarrow rim as a guide wheel.
Noup!, 7745 without turbo:cool:

The slurry trailer is no nothing, but when the cultivator is engaged mine 7745 (about 80hp and 700kg extra weights on front) gives everything it has:sneaky: when cultivating the slurry in old silage-grass field

1 hp smaller would not maybe pull it anymore....

Now I got rented some field but those are long way from our farm and I am looking for a bigger and faster tractor for pulling trailers. About 140 to 160 hp and over 50km/h)

Finnish dealer Vhtalo is starting to sell New Crystals (mixed by ZTS-Ursus -Deutz) and new 160hp Crystal is about 50 000eur! It is cheap:D or what do you think?
The manure spreader will be running next week.
The log splitter too... My brother has taken a three day commercial wood splitting job...

I will post some pics.

Markku, why do you want 160 hp ?? For only an 8 m[sup]3[/] tanker at the field ??

Have you concidered buying an old truck trailer, and pumping it over into your 8 m3 injector tanker ??

A truck trailer with road tires at 8 bar pressure, has a lower rolling friction on the road. You could get a 20 to 25 m[sup]3[/] tanker to transport more manure at the long road trip, and still use the 8m[sup]3[/] tanker with cultivator, to do the field work on bigger tires.

Our 6718 could handle an 18 m3 truck tanker pretty well... It has the 3.5 liter engine, so your 7745 with a 3.9 liter engine must be able to pull 25 m[sup]3[/]...

The benefit of taking more load at the same trip, is much higher than the benefit of doing a faster speed... You will need to gear up and brake at every street corner, so you cant utilise the 15 km of extra speed all the time...

Increasing the capacity per trip pays better than increasing the speed.

Fnnish laws are not the best friends of tractor usesrs....

It is allowed to pull max 2 x tractor weight trailer without trailer brakes and 3 x tractor weight trailer when trailer brakes mounted.

If my 7745 is about 3500 kg it means 7000 kg trailer or 10500 kg trailer with brakes! My slurry trailer with cultivator is more than 10500 kg!!

I have friend who is drivin the slurry tank on his truck. I think it is one possible solution. But still I need bigger tractor for harrow and other heavier works. But 5500 kg Crystal can pull only 16500 kg trailer according finnish laws! I think that it is the truck drivers who has done those laws......
Over here, tractor transport depends on tractor weight, but maximum is 40 tons (like trucks)

Our 5245 may take 7850 kg trailer weight according to the serial plate... But our manure tankers are heavier... Loaded hay wagons too.

Would Crystal Agropoland stay around in Finland ??
We had more of those brands that disappeared from the market, and later, it was hard to get parts..
Crystal is transmission is mainly same transmission like in 12245 is used. The same transmission is used in Ursus too. Am I correct? The engine is 160 hp Deutz. I think all those parts are available even if Crystal AgroPoland would stop tractor production. Other parts can be modificated from other tractors or made by myself. It is true that it might be difficult to sell the tractor foward if there is no manufacturing anymore....


I am trying to get more info on these Crystals. I've sent two e-mails to crystal@traktor.pl but no reply! The site I'm using is www.traktor.pl but this is in Polish.

I thought that the Crystals up to 160HP had Zetor engines whilst 170HP and above had Deutz - is this correct?

You mention that the 160HP Crystal costs E50,000 in Finland. How does that compare to other 160HP tractors?

Tom in Ireland

The Zetor engine is as a standard but because engine must fill Eurotier 2 requirements if it is sold in EU the engine is Deutz in this marketing.

The price of Crystal is about 35 to 50% lower than other 160 hp tractors. It is decent price.

I am going to have a test drive when Im travelling to importers neighbourhood and maybe if the experience is positive I buy one 169 type Crystal.

Crystal's 30% to 50% cheaper than competitive 160HP tractors with a Deutz engine and a proven Zetor transmission..wow! That is a fairly convincing argument.

How do they compare on spec? Power shutttles, auto-resettying hydraulics, front suspension, road speed, fuel consumption....

I look forward to hearing your opinion after you have driven one.

p.s. I got prices from Crystal Agropoland..I posted these in the main forum.

I'll take some digital photos of my home made hydraulic log splitter over Christmas and ask Renze to post. Great device - saves a lot of sweat!.

It cost me about Euro E50 to make excluding the spool valve and hydraulic cylinder which I had already.

Only basic tools are required - electric arc welder and angle grinder. I got 26mm holes punched in flat steel by steel supplier in his hydraulic press/punch. Get prepared and half a day later you have a very useful tool.

Hi all
I built a log splitter works fine. I used to run the splitter from the front off the 50D digger, i.e. hook it up to hoses for 4 in 1 bucket and put herself in the cab working the leaver but now she is back to work so must attach to the tractor to become a solo operation. I have a 8111 zetor just wonder what position should the leaver in the cab be at so that I can work away and operated the spool valve without going in and out of the cab.

Hi all
I built a log splitter works fine. I used to run the splitter from the front off the 50D digger, i.e. hook it up to hoses for 4 in 1 bucket and put herself in the cab working the leaver but now she is back to work so must attach to the tractor to become a solo operation. I have a 8111 zetor just wonder what position should the leaver in the cab be at so that I can work away and operated the spool valve without going in and out of the cab.

Hey endaom

I also have the same sort of problem with my log splitter i.e. where i put the lever in the cab be at so that I can work away, can someone pls help me


Hi Kelly.

What model tractor are you putting it on ? Use the two spool valve connections and tie the lever either back or forwards depending which way you have your pipes in. The pressure pipe usually has a relief valve near it on your machine spool bank .

Hi Kelly.

What model tractor are you putting it on ? Use the two spool valve connections and tie the lever either back or forwards depending which way you have your pipes in. The pressure pipe usually has a relief valve near it on your machine spool bank .


Thanks Mike
I did what you said and right now my log splitter goes smoothly without give me any more trouble. Thanks again



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