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JF sites?


Level 1
Jul 12, 2003
First name
For everybody.....

Does JF has web sites????? I was looking for about 1 hour and I couldnt find anything. I used google and some other programs.... ???
JF has joined the german Stoll werke, they keep both names but join dealers, as their product programs fit very well together.


I found the sites, but didnt found exactly what I was looking for. I was looking for mixer for manure and peat mixing together. I think JF doesnt make those machines anymore:sneaky:
A mixer to mix peat, and stable muck ??

I have found this website, it lists JF mowers the Stoll-JF website does not list.

But did you mean this ??


"Manure and peat" - is this for fuel ? How wet are the materials that you intend using? What volumes are you considering processing?

A diet feeder could be used but his is probably too expensive.

A chain/flail type muck spreader could be used to mix the manure and peat together if (and it's a big if) you could "close the lid" to stop the material exiting during agitiation. As this is designed to exit material, it probably wouldn't mix the materials sufficently.

Alternatively a concrete mixer could be used but this is low volume and would have to be loaded manually.

A screw type auger mixer??? This brings us back to the diet feeder. Search google for mixer +auger - this gives lots of ideas.

Let us know what you want to do and we'll see what other brainwaves we can come up with.

Hmm. How can I explain this with my bad english???

I build a new cow-shed for our beef cattle. There is a 4 x 4 meter sleeping area for each 7 animal group, and there is 0.5 to 1.5 meter peat pad on that area what is comfortable to sleep and it takes all dunk in it and be still dry. (Are you guys still in a same buss with me?)

That peat pad has to be mixed once a week because it keeps dry better and it starts to compost. Some people use normal ploughs for it but those arent very useful.

There is made special mixer for this use. It has vertical screws. Those are rotating and lift the bottom of the peat pad up. I have seen some machines with 2 screw but those are too small for our use. If i can remember right, JF has sometimes made mixers with 4 vertical screws. That mixer is connected to tractor 3 point linkage and used via PTO shaft. That would be exactly what I am looking for.69)

Anyway... here is one manufacturer who could make a machine what I am looking for, but it would be a "custom made" version and price would be........ ???

Maybe I have to take my truck and get some food for my lathe..... It takes little time but I can do machine like I want to....

P.S. Hope You Understand This Text :mad:

Markku, would a spading machine would be of any use to you ??


Imants makes them, in the sizes for walk-behind digger to deep spader, working depths to 120 cm...

They rotate slow and have an open construction so that peat will not clog, as with a normal fraise.

That could really be something!! :D It is least very interesting choice for me! Blades should be changed to different because those could damage concrete floor:)

I will send you a picture about mixer I have been talking. (if I can find it somewhere....)

I think i take my famous notebook and pencil and make some drawings.


...There is made special mixer for this use. It has vertical screws. Those are rotating and lift the bottom of the peat pad up. I have seen some machines with 2 screw but those are too small for our use. If i can remember right, JF has sometimes made mixers with 4 vertical screws. That mixer is connected to tractor 3 point linkage and used via PTO shaft. That would be exactly what I am looking for.69)
The "vertical screws" are screw type augers.

The spading machine Renze linked to is what I would call a cultivator (low end rotovator). This would work fine in soil but may have problems working on top of a concrete pad unless you could control the engagement depth accurately and were sure that there was always enough peat below you and the concrete floor. This has the advantage of being small so could operate easily in the limited space that you have.

Anyway... here is one manufacturer who could make a machine what I am looking for, but it would be a "custom made" version and price would be........ ???
Did you mean to include a link here???

Maybe I have to take my truck and get some food for my lathe..... It takes little time but I can do machine like I want to....
I'm very interested to see what you are considering making.

Other suggestions:

What about scooping up the peat with a front loader off the concrete and loading it into a diet feeder to mix it? The diet feeder could then discharge it back where you wanted it. Is this an option?

Peat. [/]Where do you get this from? Do you have access to it or do you have to buy it? What sort of moisture content is the peat when you first use it? I assume that it is in crumb form - correct?

Maybe the lowest cost option is a front loader and concrete mixer??? What do you think?


It would be lots of EASIER to mix peat pad IN the cow shed than carry it out for mixing and then carry it back. Sometimes there is found some little stumps in the peat. Those stumps are little problem if we are thinking mixing.

I dont have own swamp and Im buying the peat from VAPO. They bring it to our farm with trucks and we carry it in our cow shed with loader. We use the peat because it feels better what straws would be. Well, I use both but mine spreader trailer likes more of peat :sneaky:

I did send a photo to Renze about the screw mixer, maybe he could put it to this forum. I tried put it to gallery section but it was full.

If I make the mixer myself I will put the pic of it here.......

About Chrystal test drive. Havent got time to do it yeat. Why Im waiting is because Im thinking (this is weard I thinking( comment from mine girlfriend)) I did see in magazine, they are selling new JD 6620 SE here in finland under 50 000 euros.

Chrystal is 50 000 euros. Chrystal has 40 hp more power, but doesnt have wet clutch and 4 stair-powershift. What do you think? Some extra fuel for JD 6620 and it gives 140 hp. Im in situation that makes my hairs getting of my head. SAME would be about 40 000 euros but I dont like Italian tractors. And cars. And machines. But I like Italian girls, spaghetti and pizzas


Are you sure that an SE edition has the powerquad transmission ?? I thought they had 6 ranges and 3 gears ..??

By the way, you could upload the picture to www.farmphoto.com and then paste a link to it, here...

The other gallery seems to be not working.. it may take some time to sort that out...
It would be lots of EASIER to mix peat pad IN the cow shed than carry it out for mixing and then carry it back. Sometimes there is found some little stumps in the peat. Those stumps are little problem if we are thinking mixing.

What you need is a bucket that attaches to your tractor - either to the front loader or to the rear 3 point hitch - that picks up peat, mixes it and then discharges it.

There are commerically available crusher/grinders for pulverizing concrete/brick/stone but these costs 30,000 up! See
http://www.websterschaeff.com/cutter_bucket.htm and http://www.stehr.com/english/recycler.htm for examples of what I mean.

Given that peat is very soft, I believe that you could make your own bucket mixer, hydraulically driven that would mix peat for you. The "little stumps" that you mention are not a problem - these are pieces of wood that would get broken up.


Sorry for this really late reply:( but I have found the ideal thing www.lintonagindustrial.co.uk/agdispenser it might work???
Markku, i havent heard anything about this machine again, and when i was at your place last year i didn t saw one... Is this idea still "on" ??

Perhaps you could make a mine sweeper, chains rotating on a shaft. That would slush enough air in the manure to make it compost very well, and it would be cheap to make.

P.S. i think i'm going to start on my bale shredder/straw blower soon.
I have been thinking......what about a power harrow??? that would mix up the soil;) or maybey those little garden rotavators???
I just left the whole project. We use 30% more peat now and we carry it out and compostate it then. Even this makes 30% more manure to spread and makes more costs........

I havent found any screw mixer, new or second hand. And i saw horisontal mixer mounted on digger. This could be as useful too! It doesnt move material it only mix it.

One think is sure, I must consider this think more....

About Chippers and Choppers ;) i did allready put a log crane on the 14245. I need only the chipper.... but i think your straw chopper/blower is finished before i can find a cheap, crane feeded chipper!

At 2004 we tested garden rotavator for that. It doesnt mix deep enought and it took too much time. I just run whole day behind rotavator to get 20 cm deep mixing :D :D

And we need 1 meter deep mixing ;)

But rotavator is something im looking for. It is simple, compact and has a reasonable price.

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