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question Need help - Zetor Proxima 70 leak (front axle, steering)


Level 2
Feb 8, 2025
Inverness Shire
First name
Zetor Proxima 70
Hi folks, I have a 2015 Zetor Proxima. Today I noticed the steering didn’t feel right and there was a leak of fluid coming from the area where the drive shaft joins the front axle. Checked the steering fluid level and is was just below the min level. Also noticed the level of coolant was near empty (probably unrelated issue and just needs topping up). I’ll phone the mechanic on Monday but before then can anyone give any suggestions as to what might be going on?


  • IMG_4281.jpeg
    174 KB · Views: 591
That's nasty looking OK. What colour is dripping out. If the coolant is leaking there, you be able to tell.
Have a closer look at the seering ram seal would bet money its deteriorated. Looks like it would drop oil straight on top the prop shaft. Also pay to check the front differential seal just in case.
Then its front axle oil or from the steering cylinder...

Maybe first clean up the axle and cylinder and then drive a round and after that make some better photos with flashlight on. :)
I turn the light on... a lttle bit more:

I think, yes - can come from pipes or from above the cylindre

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