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severe lack of brakes


New member
Level 2
Jan 23, 2008
First name
The chekoslovakian Kid
i was taking a trailer full of scrap metal to the scrapman last night and when i started to go down a hill my brakes desided to stop working - not a pleasent experience. i managed to stop on the hand brake. i got it coaxed home and got it parked up. i suspected that the brakes needed changing a while back but havent had a chance to pull them apart. that is still the case.
anywhay i was wondering where you fill a 5211 with brake fluid as this may solve it temporarily.
the canister is under the bonnet, on the right hand side, right in front of the cab.

btw, what did you get for scrap ? last saturday i got 29 Eurocent per kilo !!! its a good trade to buy junk machinery, keep the good parts, and bring the rest to scrap, and get the same price for scrap, as the price you bought it for while keeping valuable parts for home made machinery projects ;)
Brake fluid may solve your problem altogether. Don't forget to bleed the air from the lines, if the brake fluid resevoir is empty. Perhaps it isn't totally empty, but low enough that when going down the hill, air was able to enter the brake lines and mess you up. Good luck!
i never quite got to the scrap yard with the stuff that i was taking but i know that they are giving around 70 per tonne for scrap cars if thats any help .
thanks for the info
Big variation in scrap prices:

Holland is E29/t (29 cent/kg)

Northern Ireland is E100/t (70/t)

It depends on where you are: If you call them and say you have a 2 ton trailer load of scrap, and say that you'll bring it to the highest bidder (any of the 3 scrap traders in the nearby city) OR they know you as a regular customer, you'll get a good price.

Also, how much of those cars, are plastic parts ? Did you strip them to the metal, or did you bring whole cars ?

The 29 eurocent i got, was for pure metal with less than 1% contamination, which can be thrown in the furnace without pre-processing.
When you bring whole cars, the cars have to be shred and sorted, and the plastic taken care off by others, before they can actually start with the metal.

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