Cracking glass door issues on
Zetor are solved. Random electronic issues on many used six pots arent.
Why a six pot ? because of previous experiences with a 11441 ?? Most 11441 owners swore to never own a 4 banger again, because of extreme turbo lag, insufficient engine cooling, jumpiness due to the small wheelbase for the horsepower, etcetera.
The HSX has an air to air intercooler which doesnt have the low end performance issues associated with the 11441 with its air to water intercooler, which had insufficient capacity. Wheelbase is comparable to compact six pots of yesteryear, e.g. Ford 7810, Fendt 514 or Case 5150
It just doesnt have the electronic issues associated with Italian tractors, like potentiometers of the throttle, or gearbox switches.
And its hard to beat a 4 pot Zetor on
fuel. Maybe if you use the external hydraulics a lot, you might like others more, because those damned Czechs refuse to incorporate a Proxima based external spool lever configuration, even though people have been complaining about its awkwardness for more than a decade.