Strange that the
wiring diagram does not work!
I Can't find the make but I guess it is a PAL according to your description.The regulator is to the right under the dash panel.
I write my questions in capitals!
As you write there are 4 terminals at the alternator.
"+" small spade -NOT CONNECTED. WHERE TO WIRE?
"D+" small spade wired to The R terminal on regulator.
No mark large spade -NOT CONNECTED, WHERE TO WIRE?
"B+" large spade. Wired to starter/battery via Amp-meter.
BUT the regulator are marked withe
"15/54" --- Blue, wired to the Key switch no 15. I think.
"M" --- Black wire goes up to the alternator but is is not connected. WHERE ON THE ALTERNATOR SHOULD THIS BE WIRED? or SHOULD IT BE grounded?
"R" - - Red. Two red wires. One is wired to the "D+" and one to the warning light.
I do not really undestand this following you have written.
PAL alternators have the 2 small wires plugged in to the similar coloured sockets- R = red and M= black (DO YOU MEAN ON THE REGULATOR?), and the thick red wire goes from the alternator large stud then to the regulator D (THERE IS NO "D" ON MY REGULATOR) and on to 54 .
The black small wire is an earth . (DO YOU MEAN THE BLACK WIRE FROM THE REGULATOR?)
best regards,