Hi Heather,
please make some good photos from the old clutch with old fingers.
First question is - have you a LUK clutch or the original CZ made one from
Some days ahead I have made a little overview about clutch fingers for UR1 Zetors to bring a little bit more light in it:
Zetor 2011 - 5545 Fahrkupplungsausrückhebel: (3 Stück) veraltet: 95 1113 (nur vor 1. Modellpflege Zetor 2011-4011 !) letzte Ausführung: (Hütchen alternativ 7001-1180) Zapfwellenkupplungsausrückhebel (3 Stück) Zetor 4712 - 6945...
(its our German sister site, I add it for now also here as a PDF, so you dont have to register on the site for viewing it
I also add some hints to setup the original CZ clutch for a Zetor UR1 with
hydraulic clutch:
View attachment 2217
And for easy work, also the little helper tool for easier clutch setup (CZ original clutch, UR1 Zetor 5011 to 7340 Turbo):
View attachment 2218
Maybe this can
And sorry, its in German my nativ language but easy to translate I think.