Zetor 3340 with new battery, keyswitch, solenoid & clean ground will not start!! When I began troubleshooting, charged battery, shattered brittle solenoid body loosening nut to check connection. Took starter to garage and they used a charger/starter (bypassing bad solenoid) and motor spun up -- that is when I bought a new solenoid and key switch. When all is connected, got the same result as what originally happened--dash lights go out and gauges go to zero. Next, disconnected all ground points, cleaned and added anti-oxidation grease. Same results again. thought maybe had a bad, intermittent battery cell so bought new battery. Same results. Disconnected and reconnected all connectors under dash to re-establish good connection. Same results. Tried running jumper cables direct to starter and the solenoid clicks, but starter motor does not run. Please help !!!