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Zetor 9540 clutch problems


Level 1
Apr 17, 2007
First name
I own a zetor 9540 and have since 1998,
about 8 years ago i staqrted having problems with the clutch , it wasent working well and i could hardly get it into gear, so i called the local dealer and they sayd that it was probably the slave cylender so they sent me a new one, but the new one was different , on the old one the pipe was connected on top og the slave cylender but on the new one it was connected underneath the slave so i called them up and they sayd that zetor no longer manufactured the old tipe but instead used the same as on most of the other tipes but sayd it was the same that i only needit to make a new pipe, but it newer worket rigth after i gott the new one it ither putts to much pressure when im tuning the master cylender so its putting a lot of pressure on the clutch so im told it will ruin the bearing or it does to litle and its hard to get it in gear, i talked to the dealer about this and they sayd that the msater cylender needed to be changed as well so i bougth a new one also and changed, but im still having the same problem, this is really getting tired when im baleing or using the tractor on a high rpm becose its living hell to gett it in gear. does any one know what im doing wrong or what the problem is??

The cylinders are usually foolproof and don't give much trouble. Make sure you've got the return spring(s) on the pedal. Check the slave cyl is moving fully when the pedal is pressed and it doesn't need bleeding.
These older UR3 clutches can be difficult to get into gear. You could have oil on the drive plate. The answer is to replace it with a new LUK clutch assembly.

can it be cleaned or do i have to replace it?

If you strip it out it's probably not worth trying to clean it. If its not a ceramic paddle plate you've no chance, as the linings get soaked. You may find it's just the old type clutch assy which did give your problem. The new LUK diaphragm cover is much better.

So its deffinetly has nothing to do with the new slave cylender they are the same ? well thanks then i have some clue on what to check on next but I have to split the tractor in half to see the if the drive plate has any oil on it, theres no other way to be shure about it is there?
The slave cyls are the same except for the new pipe needed. You could take the plate off on the r/h side where the pto pipe goes into the bell housing to see how oily it is in there. Don't know if you've said, does it slip?

we changed the clutch in our 9540 and it was still a nightmare to get in gear, and sometimes you just cant get it in gear at high revs
it must just be a 40 series problem
I just put the tractor inside the garage yesterday and when checking the clutch slave I noticed that it has never pushed all the way out, there was about 5 mm missing and have from the beginning since in that area there was rust and dirt, I noticed that the master cylinder for the clutch on the 9540 is the same as for the smaller older ones about 70 hp, a sales man told me this and he said that these smaller ones use the same master cylinder for the clutch and the brakes , but the master cylinder for the 9540 is different , so he was thinking that maybe there had been some kind of a mistake and the clutch master cylinder should be the same as the one on the brakes on the 9540,
Furthermore I wrote down the numbers on the master cylinder clutch and googled it and the information I found was that this was a cylinder for the UR1 series and there was a different number given up for the UR3 .
He told me to put try putting one of the master cylinders for the brakes instead of the clutch one to see if it would fit and if it worked better

Thanks Mike
Then what could the trouble be ?
A mechanic told me to hold the clutch shaft out while some one released the master cylinder back , I did that and then slave pushed all the way out and getting it in gear was easy but It didnt go as much back so it was always applying pressure to the clutch, wouldnt that ruin the clutch bearing ?
Is there a other master cylinder which is a little bit larger and would fit ?
Im afraid that if I cant fix this Ill end up damaging the gearbox , its been like this for to long and getting it in gear is a shitty job.
Oh and to answer an old question
No it doesnt seem to slip, it holds very well when ploughing or transferring heavy loads on a trailer .

Doas any one own a workshop manual for zetor 9540?
I would like to know how much the clutch slave cylinder should push out it goes out about 15 mm on my tractor but if it where to push fully out then it should go 25 mm I was andering if the wokshop manual says any thing about this?
I've heard of this problem on a 11741 and some factory men came to look, and installed a different type of master cylinder.
If the cylinder is on the outside of the clutch housing, pushing on some sort of lever, you could shorten the lever so it gives more stroke inside.
thanks Renz Ill look into that.
But this is what this company told me :http://shop.markomt.sk
And the letter of response:
Dear Mr. Brennan,

I consulted your problem with our mechanic. If clutch plate is slightly warped, it is needed a higher stroke of work cylinder. Our mechanic fix it by replacing the master cylinder with a diameter of 19 mm by a cylinder with a diameter of 22.2 mm (part number 53.225.901). There is only necessary to adjust the clutch pedal bracket - larger hole for the master cylinder and drill new holes for attaching the cylinder.
Best regards,
Miroslav Kaderka
Marko MT,s.r.o. Website Title[/][url=ftp://ftp.website.com]marko[/]

And a link to the cylinder they sell:

Hope this helps other zetor 9540 owners
I have dealt with Marko in the past, untill their only English speaking man left the firm. They seem to have hired a new export guy which speaks his languages. i dont know the man who wrote you.
So do you think this would be a mistake to replace the master cylinder with a bigger one?
I think the guy from Marko is right. A guy i know with two 11741 said that factory mechanics carried out the same modification on their first 11741.
I had the same problem and shortened the lever Dlilled a new hole on the lever but my real problem was a clutch finger damaged . i had remover this finger and repaired and now this is OK May be the same problem for you . Check by removing the inspection plate and turn slowly to see all the finger .
I know its two years ago but if anyone visits this then I am sure I know the answer. There is an adjusting bolt that the pedal rests on. Slacken this off a bit and the master cylinder takes more fluid in and therefore puts more out and the throw is increased. Took me a while to find it.
If you flick the torque in to low before or whilst changing gear, it always changes smothly for some reason, don't ask me why-
High multiplier increases the drag in the transmission and can make gear changes difficult. Try adjusting the pedal as I sais and this may be better, I could not get mine into gear before I discovered the pedal adjustments

Very valuable advice !!! thanks !


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