Zetor signed a contract with Kemp of Russia, to supply 6000 assembly kits for Russian assembly, of the Forterra 135, between 2018 to 2022. 1500 Forterras a year will mean doubling the production of the Forterra range.
This is a big thing for Zetor: increase production by 33% without investing in R&D or a sales network. Even if they dont make a big profit on these tractors, overhead cost is spread over a bigger number.
Kemp has also expressed interest in a 3 cylinder engine for use in tractors built with Zetor knowhow, the Proxima range and the Crystal. This probably explains why Zetor showed also a 3 and 6 cylinder engine in the component hall on Agritechnica.
Russia is a quite protected market, so you wont get in easily without tariffs. But when a local partner gets the paperwork done, the highway is paved for you...