I grew up on a farm, learned to drive a tractor at the age of 6 and had my first contact with a Zetor tractor at the age of 10 (Zetor 5211 from the LPG). Even as a child, I loved tinkering with technology with my grandfather (a farmer) and my father (a qualified agricultural engineer) and using it on our small field.
In 1992, I learned farming myself and in 2000, I got my master craftsman's certificate so that I could train apprentices on our farm, which had grown from 18 hectares to 700 hectares after the fall of the Berlin Wall, and one day run the farm myself. In the company, I always looked after and repaired our machines; we had our own small workshop.
As is often the case in life, many things turn out differently than planned - I became seriously ill in 2005 and had to go on dialysis but was still working in my parents' company. When I got my new kidney in 2012, I had to change a few things. I had time and founded Zetor-Forum.de to create a place for Zetor fans by Zetor fans, bought my first Zetor and started to completely overhaul it. I left my parents' company and began retraining as a programmer, which I later had to stop for health reasons.
After some back and forth, I founded my own small company in 2017 and have been selling Zetor spare parts ever since and also repairing Zetor tractors for friends from time to time.
It is now 2024 and I am almost 50 years old. I have now worked on a lot of Zetor tractors myself and have created and read a sizeable archive of documents and manuals for practically all Zetor tractors.
So I think that with the experience I have gained, I am halfway able to answer a question about a tractor that I have not yet had in the workshop, especially if the diagnosis from the Zetor Crystal to the 9540, for example, is almost identical.
But I fully accept it. If you want someone else to answer you, you can tell me nicely and I'll keep quiet.

That must have been a long time ago, because I was registered in the old forum since 2012 and was online every now and then, and there wasn't much going on then. But Zetorworld.com always fascinated me, not least because it is one of the oldest Zetor forums and still contains a lot of knowledge. 
OK, that's not nice to hear - but that must have been before my time here in the forum when Renze was still the sole admin.
Maybe [USER=19]@Renze[/USER] would like to comment on that, I don't know.
But it is also a fact that there hasn't been anything like that since the forum was relaunched in September 2023 and structured a bit so that content is easier to find. Since then, there has been the Others category or the "Zetor general talks" subforum as areas for topics other than those specific to the model. You see, it is definitely welcome.
An example - when I asked you for your first name, it wasn't to annoy you, but because I just think it's more personal and nicer to address each other by your first name instead of a pseudonym. It wasn't about changing your user name, but about entering a first name or nickname in your profile.
You don't want to - that's OK too.
I've built in a membership card - the idea is to find people nearby or even just in your own language with whom you can then perhaps exchange ideas even better. This is of course voluntary and most people use it - just like you.
So we've not only brought the forum out of the Stone Age (software-wise) and into the modern age, we've also created additional opportunities.
And users are already adopting it more and more, the forum is growing again, slowly but it's growing.
And because you mentioned the community and the discussions - we've been organizing Zetor meetings since 2016. It was at one of these that I met Renze in person for the first time, as well as a Zetor friend from Denmark who we've been visiting every year since then. We're also trying to strengthen the community.
I don't want to deny that there's still plenty of room for improvement - you (and everyone else) are welcome to contribute constructively and productively.