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Recent content by per_ola

  1. P

    news Zetor design concept by Pininfarina, on Agritechnica

    Seems like Belarus is building most of the tractor themself? When you look at Belarus,and they say they are one of the worlds biggest tractor manufacturer, I can not understant why it not was possible to further development on the Zts tractors.
  2. P

    news Zetor design concept by Pininfarina, on Agritechnica

    take a look here https://instagram.com/p/90_IpCg6-u/?tagged=zetor
  3. P

    news New Zetor Crystal... June 25th

    The zetor road show was in Norway one week ago with the New Crystal 160 and proxima Power 110. Sadly,but i become NOT impressed by the Crystal. Its just a ordinary Forterra With Deutz 6pot engine. The noise Level was wery good ,but i think the tractor was like driving a hybrid between my old...
  4. 8045 or 8145?

    I know that the latest models of 8045 had the same engine as the 8145,the engine whit Balance shafts, 8401.134
  5. zetor 6245 no production year

    By 01.01.2014 there is still 6 unit of 5245, 18 unit of 6245,2 of unit 6211, 5 unit of 7211 and 44 unit of 7245 With registration year 1984 here in Norway, So they was delivered here the last months year 1984. (opplysningsrdet for veitrafikken)
  6. zetor 6245 no production year

    5211-7245 was produced from the summer 1984, and was sold here in Norway from october/ november 1984. Motokov Norway had hundreds of 5011-7045 in Stock when 5211-7211 was put in Production,so they drop the price on the old serie 20-25% in the spring 1984
  7. info URSUS 11054 - production started

    Zetorfanpl: What cost these tractors in poland?
  8. P

    news Zetor signs OEM agreement with Alo

    I am anyway sure that Trac Lift is a better choise than a cheap Chineese-welded l loader for Major/Proxima tractors.
  9. P

    news Zetor signs OEM agreement with Alo

    But for a farmer it dosent matter at all! For a Zetor Major or Proxima you dont want to use 10000euro on a loader.
  10. P

    news Zetor signs OEM agreement with Alo

    I just hope they can offer loaders to compete prices. Trima /l cost about 3500euro more than Trac Lift in the 260 size. I have been using loaders since early 90`s, For the most Trima/l and i can not see the reason why Zetor go from Trac Lift to l. I do exactly the same job With my trac lift as i...
  11. report Zetor a top tune in Sweden - To far gone (Zetor music)

    But this is a song from the Norwegian rock/contry band TO FAR GONE from 1998!! As always:sweden are decades behind Norway;D;D;D
  12. turbo kit for 8011/c385, whats available?

    Just change the orginal exhaust and air intake manifoilds, by those who are for turbo. You have to drill a hole at the bottom of the block for retur-oil. I also changed the radiator,beqause the air pipe go on the left side on turbo-models. I also replaced the orginal 1,2mm head gasket by 1,5mm...
  13. turbo kit for 8011/c385, whats available?

    Scan turbo in denmark used to make kit for these tractors. Orginal parts is available so there is no problem to fit a turbo on your tractor using orginal parts., I did it on my 8145 one year ago. This year i think i will do it on my 12145.
  14. 3340 reverser troubles

    forterra 11441. send ei melding,ser ut til vre fra samme land og ha felles interesse. agrilinenorge@live.no
  15. Zts hydrostatic steering

    Are you sure you dont have the orbirtol?? It can be fitted in front of the radiator. Is there a steering rod or hydraulic cylinder on the right side of the front axle?
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