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  1. question Zetor disc mower?

    It is Agrostroj Pelhřimov
  2. Z

    news New Zetor 2024 "Series 6" (maybe Forterra) 120-171 hp is coming!

    As dealer says it will be Zetor 6 series Filmik z testów prototypu nowego modelu ZETOR - seria 6. Choć ciągnik ma być następcą popularnej "Forterry" to producent deklaruje, że nowy model będzie... | By Agrospec KłudkaFacebook - https://www.facebook.com/share/v/LEnwaArQwAQC7rR2/ Bei Facebook...
  3. question Let's talk about Zetor prototypes and pre series models...

    UR5 or URV in roman numerals, it means the same. Zetor 7945 As we can see there is UR1 engine https://www.facebook.com/groups/608448439316370/?hoisted_section_header_type=recently_seen&multi_permalinks=2025607864267080...
  4. question Let's talk about Zetor prototypes and pre series models...

    7341 - UR1 Super M97 has new Cab and hood, disc brakes (Knorr) in oil bath, front axle engaged electropneumatically. Other UR V prototype https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=10205475682691939&set=pcb.1162383003830406
  5. question What are differences betwen Zetor 7745 Turbo and newer one 6340 Turbo??

  6. Z

    news Zetor Tractors a.s. - from 2025 no own engines/transmissions anymore, but ZF, Deutz and Carraro!

    In 1:10 Proxima prototype with Deutz engine 7 years ago https://youtu.be/CaDZszNN5TM?si=RQYblA5Lxvjs-VP-&t=70
  7. Z

    news New Zetor 2024 "Series 6" (maybe Forterra) 120-171 hp is coming!

    This front PTO from polish Metalplast, used in Zetor prototype, is identical as SAUTER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnVEQV-juug
  8. Z

    news New Zetor 2024 "Series 6" (maybe Forterra) 120-171 hp is coming!

    ZETOR HARD HYDRAULIC TESTING https://youtu.be/l2xyCUxqumw?si=7GvDPzEKubFZansw
  9. info ZTS 18345 4-step powershift

    ZTS 18345 with second generation prototype 4 speed powershift gearbox:
  10. info ZTS 18345 4-step powershift

    Someone in Poland searching parts for first generation prototype of this 4 speed powershift gearbox: Ogłoszenia - Sprzedam, kupię na OLX.pl - https://www.olx.pl/d/oferta/skrzynia-biegow-zts-zetor-18345-power-shift-4stopniowy-CID757-IDXdrhE.html On a gearbox plate is ZTS Výskumno-vývojový ústav...
  11. Z

    news Zetor Tractors a.s. - from 2025 no own engines/transmissions anymore, but ZF, Deutz and Carraro!

    Renze, there is a lighter version of ElectroCommand, in NH T5 EC New Holland T5.95-T5.120 - https://konedata.net/traktorit/new-holland/new-holland-t5-95-t5-115/ Is also the third manufacturer of drive systems - HEMA from Turkey. They started producing their HEMA H104.120 transaxles and on last...
  12. info ZTS 18345 4-step powershift

    Serial produced 18345 was 2 speed powershift. This prototype have 4 speed powershift https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ndWK9u7KxU&t=29s
  13. info ZTS 18345 4-step powershift

    Link: https://youtu.be/hxean-NEx-s
  14. info UR1, UR II front axle

    Learning video Zetor UR1 front axle.
  15. Z

    news Zetor design concept by Pininfarina, on Agritechnica

    Zetor Proxima by Pininfarina
  16. info UR1, UR II front axle

    Front axle of romanian UTB Universal 1010 - mix of Zetor UR2 and UR1 axle
  17. info Zetor 7845 and 5251 prototype

    Yes. Photo of first UR3 prototypes from Zetor Gallery FB:
  18. info Zetor 7845 and 5251 prototype

    There is a new book about UR3 and Forterra series and their prototypes: Traktory Zetor UR III a Forterra Traktory Zetor UŘ III a Forterra - https://ipac.svkkl.cz/arl-kl/cs/detail-kl_us_cat.10-1194061-Traktory-Zetor-Ur-III-a-Forterra/...
  19. Z

    news Zetor signs OEM agreement with Alo

    They are located too far in front of the tractor
  20. Z

    news Zetor signs OEM agreement with Alo

    Zetor Poland introduced cheap ZM series loaders under Zetor System brand based on a signed agreement with Metal-Fach Sokolka. They are the same as Metal-Fach T229, T229/1 and T241 loaders. The ZL, ZL and ZQ loaders from l will remain on offer.