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  1. New 8011 Owner - Serviceing Suggestions

    Hi Woodbeef (and all), I take it then that you live somewhere around Trenton. (I have cousins that live in Trenton). I found the Stone Age Farm 8011 in Ag Dealer on Sunday after my post. By the way where is St. Paul? It doesn't make my map. Mine looks better although it does have some...
  2. New 8011 Owner - Serviceing Suggestions

    Woodbeef: I dont think so. I bought if from someone I know near Nanticoke, but I dont believe he has a name for his farm. Where is Stoneage Farms? Where are you Woodbeef? Renze: Thanks a lot. I was thinking that it must be about that vintage. All: Did the factory always supply the 8011...
  3. New 8011 Owner - Serviceing Suggestions

    Hi All, Thanks very much for your helpful tips! I have been having a few computer problems the last week or so (I guess I picked up a virus somehow). In any case, I got the oil changed (there was a lot of gunge or guck in the housing) and thanks to Toms tip the centrifuge seems to be spinning...
  4. 8011 Brakes / Servicing intervals

    Hi All, I have purchased an 8011 with 4000 odd hours showing. Obvious problems are the right rear brake is not operational and the foot throttle is sticking. It also has some minor electrical problems (lights and wiring harness). This tractor has not been doing any substantial work for about...
  5. New 8011 Owner - Serviceing Suggestions

    Hi All, I just bought an 8011 with 4000 odd hours showing. Obvious problems are the right rear brake is not operational and the foot throttle is sticking. It also has some minor electrical problems. This tractor has not been doing any substantial work for about 3 or 4 years. I don't have...