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New 8011 Owner - Serviceing Suggestions


New member
Level 2
Mar 21, 2004
First name
Hi All,

I just bought an 8011 with 4000 odd hours showing. Obvious problems are the right rear brake is not operational and the foot throttle is sticking. It also has some minor electrical problems.

This tractor has not been doing any substantial work for about 3 or 4 years. I don't have any manuals for it. The centrifugal oil cleaner is something that I have not seen before (all of my previous tractors had filters). I think that the oil should be changed but I am not sure about how to go about cleaning the centrifuge. I also suspect that there might be some issues about the centrifuge's balance once I take it apart to clean it. How many hours can I expect between oil changes? Any tips would be appreciated.

Does anyone have any suggestions about what else I should be servicing at this time?

I have tried to locate a manual but with no luck at this point. I understand that an 8211 is very similar (but newer) and that manuals for it are available. Does this seem likely to the forum?

Glen in Canada

Hi Glen,

Congratulations on your 8011 purchase! You have got a lot of tractor for your money.

Right rear brake is not operational - adjustment is via nuts on linkage to remove slack. Stand behind tractor and you will see them at waist height near back axle.

Foot throttle is sticking - try penetrating oil on linkage and cleaning any muck/rust off the linkage first. If not, it might be a problem with the return spring.

Electrical problems - chase the wires. Probably due to previous owner modifications. There is a wiring diagram of sorts under the front flap on the bonnet (or hood).

Centrifugal oil filter - dissasemble, remove "gunge" from inside of bowl with a flat blade screwdriver and wipe with a clean lint free rag with some diesel on it. The thing to watch out for on re-assembly is to align the balance marks. These are scribed into the metal. Make sure that they are facing each other and the centrifuge will be balanced.

How many hours can I expect between oil changes? 200.

Does anyone have any suggestions about what else I should be servicing at this time?
Grease nipples.
Anti freeze

Manual - see

[glow=green,3]Tom in Ireland[/]

The 8211 was updated with a different cab, engine with counterbalance shafts, synchro tranny (optional ?) optional 40 km/h box, and some minor modifications here and there.
I'd go ahead and change all the fluids,filters,check the hoses and belts while you are at it.

Check eBay for manuals . Some pop up on there from time to time. Check with AZ Tractors in Bolton Ontario,or AM Jawa in Harrisburg PA about them also.

Here's a 8011 that was on eBay last week. I wonder what the reserve was set at? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3803371566&category=26193

Where are you in the Great White North?

Hi All,

Thanks very much for your helpful tips!

I have been having a few computer problems the last week or so (I guess I picked up a virus somehow).

In any case, I got the oil changed (there was a lot of gunge or guck in the housing) and thanks to Toms tip the centrifuge seems to be spinning all right.

Im still working away at the throttle sticking problem but lubrication is helping. It will probably be OK with some more exercising.

Not doing so well on the brake problem. The slack adjustment seems about right to me. I think there is some sort of internal leakage. I dont know what that brake looks like but I think that fluid is leaking internally and maybe some is getting on the pads or shoes.

Im not bothering about the wiring for now. It looks pretty rough but what I need for the moment is working. It looks like a spare time cleanup job (which for me means I probably will never get it done).

Thanks Renze for the info about the 8211. It sounds like that manual will do for me. Hopefully the brakes are the same.

Woodbeef - That ebay 8011 Zetor was a very interesting. Mine doesnt have a cab on it anymore (if it ever had one). The serial number for the 1984 model is about 4500 units after mine (mines s/n is 0052497, I think!). I cant really read the information on the name plate but any of the stamped numbers I am able to make out, although I may have the odd mistake (see below).

Does anyone know what the year of manufacture might be for my 8011 s/n 0052497?

My farm is near Nanticoke, Ontario on the north shore of Lake Erie about 120 km south west of Toronto and about the same distance west of Niagara Falls.

Here is the info I can gleam from the nameplate on the right side dash but I am not sure what all of the numbers mean. Any suggestions?

4540 something 4560
25 something 3160

Glen in Canada

In those days, they built 17.000 tractors a year... Over 15 or 20 models, the 8011 being one of the popular models, maybe it 8011 is built in the same year... At least, not more than 2 years difference i believe.. :)

I dont think so. I bought if from someone I know near Nanticoke, but I dont believe he has a name for his farm. Where is Stoneage Farms? Where are you Woodbeef?


Thanks a lot. I was thinking that it must be about that vintage.


Did the factory always supply the 8011 model with a cab?

They were sold with cab, but in North america also cabless.
There were also cabless 16045, for export to tropical countries..
hey Glen,
I found a picture of the one at StoneAge over at the AgDealer. It's pretty rough looking,way over priced too. I've seen cleaner ones with cabs go for under $6,000. http://www.agdealer.com/list/view_image.cfm?ID=213657&&Act=EQUIPVIEW&listpage=index.cfm

Your's is the 2nd one without a cab I've heard of in Ontario.

I'm in the Quinte Region. About 2 hours east of T.O.,and one west of Kingston.

How far are you from Fergus, Ontario ??i hope to be around Fergus next week, visiting family, for about a month.
When i'm there, i will look out for a Steyr 8080 and a Valmet in a buffalo pasture !! ;) ;)

Yes the 6500 Canadian Dollars would make about 3000 Euro.. That's the price of a 8011 with cab, and it doesn't miss the seat cushions and motorhood side grill.
Hi Woodbeef (and all),

I take it then that you live somewhere around Trenton. (I have cousins that live in Trenton).

I found the Stone Age Farm 8011 in Ag Dealer on Sunday after my post. By the way where is St. Paul? It doesn't make my map.

Mine looks better although it does have some dinted sheet metal (including a damaged grill) and is missing the right side plate of the instrument pannel. I have known the farmer that I bought it from for about 15 years (his farm was only about 1 km from mine) and have seen him using this tractor. He had actually
retired from farming a couple of years ago and last fall sold his home farm. I attended his farm clearing auction. In any case when the Zetor came up it didn't attract much interest so, after five bids, I am a new Zetor owner, even if I wasn't really intending to purchase another tractor that particular day. (PS: I
didn't pay anything like $6000). I am sure that with a little TLC it will give me years of faithful service.


Fergus is about 100 km from Nanticoke and maybe 200 km (or more) from Woodbeef.

Glen in Canada

all the ones I inquired in n.american werent 40kmph machine. wondering if any made it into the n. america as 40kmph
40kmph on an 8x11 will shake the bejayzsus out of you! It will turn your insides out!! Also the brakes would not be up to this speed.

The 25kmph design speed is more realistic. I know you can do things with larger tyres and fiddling gears in the gearbox but why in the wide world would you want to do this???

[glow=green,3]Confused Tom in Ireland [/]
an 8211 with the 16/8 gearbox, is this the 40kmph model or is there more then just having a particular gearbox that makes the odel a 40k machine.
The 8211 had a different gear pattern, normally the 4th gear is 100% or direct drive, prise directe. The 3rd gear reduces the engine speed to about 75%, the 2nd to 50% and the first to 25%
(percents are not exact, for the example only)

Because when speed reduces, torque increases at the given power, the 16045 did not have this 1st gear to save some torque on the main transmission.

In the 40k boxes, they did not put in this 75% reduction 1st gear, so that speeds started at 50% in the 1st, 75% in the 2nd, 100% in the third, and in hte 4th gear, they put the gears of the 75% reduction, in reversed order. This made it speed up to 125% of engine rpm. This also explains why the 16145 and 16245 have the 16/8 box with 40 km/h and 12/6 in the 30 km/h version.

This gear speed/torque trick was also carried out by Ford in the TW series with 16/8 dual power transmission.

There was also a set of gears that could be changed to get 40km/h at smaller tires. Mounting the biggest tires with the gears for the small tires, would give 53 km/h.

This would answer your questions: No, teh 8011 was never sold in 40k as the 40k modification was first introduced on the x1xx series, a year or more after the 1 seris was introduced.
Hey Glen,

I think Stoneage is up by Mitchell. Trenton is about 30 mins or so away.

Hey Doc,

I'm 2 hours+ east of T.O. on a good day,longer if there is traffic.

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