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  1. Joachim

    news New process for coating tractor bodies from ZETOR

    New process for coating tractor bodies from ZETOR For more quality, durability and sustainability. Source: https://www.zetor.com/storyboard/detail/289 In the future, Zetor will have its tractors painted by an external service provider. More precisely at ZDT Nové Veselí and with paints from...
  2. info Zetor Poland lets slip and reveals names of new Zetor Series 4 and Series 5 ?

    Source: https://www.wrp.pl/zetor-polska-nowa-siedziba-nowy-model-ciagnika-promocje-i-nowe-wyzwania-na-trudne-czasy-wywiad/ In an interview about its move to new premises in Kalisz, Zetor Poland spoke of a market launch of the new Series 6, which has already been regularly photographed as a...
  3. offer Our NEW Zetor tractors calendars 2025 in format A4, A3 and A2

    Our NEW Zetor tractors calendars 2025 in format A4, A3 and A2 Limited editions A4 - 150 pcs (21x30 cm, 13 pages, 12 months) A3 - 50 pcs (42x30 cm, 13 pages, 12 months) A2 - only 25 pcs (60x42 cm, 13 pages, 12 months) All infos and prices: https://eth-weisse.de/cat/index/sCategory/90 A perfect...
  4. Renze

    news New Zetor importer for Denmark and Norway!

    Finally some good news for Zetor: Danatek, Zetor dealer since 2023, has now become importer for Denmark and Norway. HC Pedersen, also a Danish company, represented Zetor for decades, yet because Zetor could not offer a full portfolio in key market segments, has taken on Deutz about a decade...
  5. question Traveling with the Zetor Tractor?

    Hello. Are there people here who make longer journeys with their Zetor tractors? e.g. to tractor meetings or just like that? I mean, some drive to the North Cape or hundreds of kilometers to a tractor meeting - I would be interested in your experiences with this and how, for example, drivers...
  6. question Zetor 5211 sputters and dies after running under load for 90 minutes

    Greetings, Let me start off by saying that I am not a diesel mechanic, and I probably have not kept up with the maintenance on this tractor as it was supposed to be done. We acquired the tactor as part of our house/farm purchase about 7 years ago, and only use it periodically to mow the...
  7. Joachim

    news Hard times for Zetor?

    ... the signs are pointing to a red line at Zetor at the moment. I hope for the brand that they can turn things around. I think that Germany has been classified as a less important market for Zetor tractors, thus creating a chicken-and-egg problem: no advertising, no sales, no sales, no...
  8. report Review of the 8th Zetor Meeting 2024 (Germany)

    Review of the 8th Zetor Meeting 2024 - this year at 12/14. july in Sölitz (Germany, Bavaria, Oberpfalz) Let the photos speek... :) As guests with own Zetor tractor to Zetor Germany GmbH for a meeting at friday Saturday our guest gift: See you next year! :cool:
  9. Renze

    news Update: HCP looses Deutz Fahr per 2025- HCP Norge admits Zetor has no priority

    HCP Norge, the Zetor importer of Norway, which has taken on Deutz Fahr and is pushing them over Zetor to their dealers, has finally spoken straight out what they have been doing for 10 years: They will no longer prioritize Zetor...
  10. Joachim

    news Zetor Tractors a.s. - from 2025 no own engines/transmissions anymore, but ZF, Deutz and Carraro!

    Source: Zetor přestane vyrábět vlastní motory, majitel chce až půlku firmy prodat - iDNES.cz (Zetor přestane vyrábět vlastní motory, majitel chce až půlku firmy prodat - iDNES.cz -...
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