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3320 loss of power


New member
Level 2
Nov 7, 2005
First name
My 3320 has started to loose power and sometimes dies on me, however it doesn not do this every tie i use it. It seems to happen more often when it is under load, or is going up an incline in a higher gear. Normally, I can push the clutch in, and it will spitter and sputter for about a minute, then regain power. I cleaned out the sediment bowl and changed the fuel filter thinking it was restricting fuel, but this still occured. Any help is much appreciated.
ALso the fuel pump could be the problem. This is very easy to replace.

Doug, whats the best way to test the fuel pump to determine if that is te cause of the problem?


ALso the fuel pump could be the problem. This is very easy to replace.


Renze (I belive) has a very good post on how to test the left pump and injection pump. If you know how try and use the search function. Search on "Lift Pump" or "fuel Pump". You should find what you need.

All that said, if its the lift pump (fuel pump), if you can use the primer pump and get fuel back into the fuel bowl then in my caveman trouble shooting ways its the fuel pump. If you can't get any there it could be fuel pump or a line blockage.

If I am wrong please correct me somebody :)

I forgot to add if you prime and don't get any fuel it also could be hand primer.

I had this same problem of tractor dying, loss of power, etc,. I pulled unit off its pretty easy and cleaned it with car transmission fluid. I got all types of black stuff out of it. I worked it while I puttered around doing other chores. I also ordered a pump and primer (newer style). I still have that on my shelf. I haven't needed to install it.

Guy' I had the same problem and it was the lift pump or fuel pump. I replaced the lift pump with a electric pump and just tied it into the key switch. Everything has been running great since.

PS, I'm having trouble now once I have been brush hogging for a few hours now that its hot it just loose power and dies. Any Ideas?


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