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4712 not charging


Level 2
Dec 13, 2009
First name
ive got a 4712 with a hedge flail on the back.... the bolls that hold the dynamo bracket and the adjuster strap have stripped their threads so the generater waggles about and the red light stays on.... one day ill get round to sorting it and fitting a lucas alternator....
anyway it was parked up in the autumn... with a battery that would just about turn it over to start.... its had a solar charger on over winter... went out today ... checked oil and water stuck the key in, pressed the button.... cranked it over... clouds of black smoke and off we go.
the solar charger... just the normal fifteen quid job , has kept life in the battery over winter despite the cold and grey skies...i wouldnt claim it was fully charged but there was enough power in it for a cold start after being stood for several months
Word of warning.
Hi there just a wee word of warning regarding loose dynamo and therefore loose fan belt, you need to be aware you have more to worry about than charging the battery. As a consequence of loose fan belt, engine cooling will be drastically reduced causing possible overheating and subsequent engine damage. If your fan belt is loose i would be fixing your dynamo bracket as a matter of urgency, you can worry about charge at a later stage if that's not a problem for you.
i agree. if you boil your negine you could be in serious trouble. and big expense! have the actual threads torn out of the engine block then? or isit jsut a case of a few new bolts? if they have torn. drill them out and tap them out m10.

easy really
finally got round to fixing the charging... one of the alternator bracket bolts had been snapped in the past and drilled and tapped and both refitted without spring washers so had just worked loose. the dynamo has now been replaced with a lucas alternator, im not convinced the regulator had enough wires on it . the red light on the dash has turned out to be connected to the oil pressure sensor.... swopped the wires over and cleaned the contacts on the other bulb and we now have a green light on the oil and the red on the genny....

the old girl came with a fisher humphries hedge trimmer on the back.... ive finally got round to takin off the flail head and fitting the saw blade to do a bit of cutting back, found the big castelated nut that holds the saw blade on was secured with a rusty old nail instead of a split pin.

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