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5211 clutch bleed valve location????


New member
Level 2
Jan 30, 2007
First name
I have a 5211 with a non operating clutch. I checked the brake fluid reservoir and found it empty. According to the manual I need to "bleed" the line
but I can not find the bleed valve. They don't provide a picture or a drawing that is of any use. Can someone help with a diagram or picture, a simple description so I can find it?

Hi Ann,
The bleed screw for the clutch is located on the top of the slave cylinder. This is situated on the left hand side of the clutch housing behind the battery box. If you follow the rubber clutch pipe coming down from the cab you should be able to see the bleed screw , with a 9mm head on it, behind the cylinder bracket. In case you don't know, the reservoir is for the brakes as well so your fluid leak could be on the brake system or the clutch. It uses ordinary Dot 4 brake fluid.

Good Luck

Thanks Mike for your quick reply. It took me a few days to figure out the clutch fluid did not come from the hydraulic reservoir. I will follow your directions and hopefully
I will be able to find it. I have been trying to find it over the last couple of days. It must be staring me in the face!
Thats interesting, on my 7245, it is on the right hand side, under the fuel tank so to speek.
I have a 7245. Tell me about the Fluid. I assume it was dry and it just disappeared on me yesterday. nothing - no movement at all. How do you fill it, blead it.....

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