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5211 thermostat housing and temp sending unit question


Level 1
Jul 12, 2008
Near Boerne , Tx in the center of the HILL COUNTRY
First name

Zetor 5211 with Westendorf loader and BushHog 236 shredder. Due to a broken back, my equipment has been in my tractor shed for too long; however new parts are arriving and physical update help has started.
While replacing the water pump, hoses, thermostat and housing, temp sending unit and fuel line that feeds the injectors on my 5211....I removed the radiator, hoses and all the usual parts....in addition to the exhaust manifold etc.

It took several days to acquire all the parts and while putting everything back together...I had a "mind burp" and my old memory slipped a cog or two....and wasn't sure what to do with 3 of the wires.

The replacement thermostat housing is of a different material than the one I removed and the sending unit is on top instead of the bottom of the housing.

I'm fairly sure one of the blade type connections goes to the temp sending unit....and there is a wire with a "eyelet" type connector that seems to come from a small terminal on the alternator.....not sure what it's purpose is.

Anyway....my temp gauge isn't working now....it had been working fine when the pump crashed.

I'm assuming the sending unit should be grounded (since the thermostat housing is supported by rubber hoses and not touching metal)

I'm fairly certain the 3rd wire I mentioned goes to something in the headlamp/horn area.

All of this leads to one dumb question.....Does the sending unit/thermostat housing unit need to be grounded and could the eyelet type wire be that ground?

If you spent the time to read all of this....I appreciate your interest and thanks in advance for any help .

Happy Trails from the Texas Hills

The brown spade wire goes on the switch as you've worked out. The grey wire with the eyelet is the switch earth. You may have to attach this to the switch with a cable tie or jubilee clip as the new housing you've got is probably plastic.
If the 3rd wire is red, it's the horn wire.

Mike, that is exactly what I needed to know. I appreciate your help .

I've read your responses to all kinds of questions...you really "know your stuff"....it's clear you are an professional and we're lucky you're willing to help.

The thought of trying the eyelet wire as a ground concerned me...since it was attached to the alternator....I could imagine big bucks for another one.

Yes, I think the replacement housing may be a type of plastic. Now I need to find some way to keep the "X" braces under the bonnet from hitting the sending unit (since it is now projecting upward from the housing instead of downward).

Thanks again


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