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Black smoke Zetor 4011


New member
Level 2
Nov 26, 2009
First name
Hello to all,

My Zetor 4011 bring out a lot of black smoke. I remove all the injectors and check if the nozzle are clogged, but they are ok.
check the air filter....ok.
also at relanti the engine accelerates by itself for a few seconds, work normally then again accelerates, and son on....
Where to search the problem?

Thank you and wait for your opinion.
If it cant keep its RPM steady when there is no load, your injection pump ran dry. You have to fill it with oil independent of the engine.
I'd suggest you fill it fully with diesel, run it for an hour, then drain the diesel (which will now be rusty red) and then top off with oil to the 2nd level plug. (there are two plugs: one for draining, one to check top level)
Thanks for the fast replay..

OK, i unscrew the two screw noted with 1[/] in the picture below, and yes that was full with diesel (has a nasty smell), and it refill by itself when i start the engine.(i do this a month ago).
the question is what should i find under the top cover named with 2[/] ? it's necessary to fill also wit diesel?

And how can calibrate the advance to this linear fuel injection pump? the rotating ones are "easy", just turn left or right .
The governor is at the back, at 2.
The fill and level plugs are at the back, facing the operator. That should be filled with oil, if it has been serviced well. If not, let the rust dissolve in fuel and let it run for a half an hour before filling it to the correct level, with engine oil.

The inline pump too, has slot holes so you can turn the pump with a pipe wrench.

If you screw the coldstart button back in, you can adjust it back to its original fuel amount... If it has run loose it will put out 65-70hp with lots of black smoke, instead of 53...
The governor is at the back, at 2.
The fill and level plugs are at the back, facing the operator. That should be filled with oil, if it has been serviced well. If not, let the rust dissolve in fuel and let it run for a half an hour before filling it to the correct level, with engine oil.

I will check and do the cleaning with diesel and then fill wit engine oil.

The inline pump too, has slot holes so you can turn the pump with a pipe wrench.

Please if you can help me with some pictures how to do that.???

If you screw the coldstart button back in, you can adjust it back to its original fuel amount... If it has run loose it will put out 65-70hp with lots of black smoke, instead of 53...
Yes before to start engine i push the cold start button, start and it pop out after i accelerate a bit more.

For the moment I'm in another town and can't work at my Zetor . hope before Easter :)

the head with the actual cold start button runs freely around the top of a threaded bush. The bush is held in place with a counternut. The bush holds the cold start button: That limits the max stroke of the adjusting rack. When you push the cold start button, this end stop moves away so the cold start button can move further, giving more fuel at startup.

So when the counternut has ran loose and the threaded bush on which the starter button is mounted, has unscrewed itself, its getting way more fuel than it can burn.
There shold not be diesel behind the front cover, there shold be an overflow pipe on a banjobolt beside the liftpump that is obstructed and you must have an internal leak eiter from the liftpump or the topp compartment. The pump and governor are separat compartments and both shold have oil, the pump: up to the overflow pipe and the governor to the upper of the two bolts on the rear face. I hope this helps.
Hello to all,
Sorry for the delay with the news ,

@Renze ....The head with the actual cold start button runs freely around the top of a threaded bush. The bush is held in place with a counternut. The bush holds the cold start button
Check the cold start button, it;s working just fine, the counter-nut is "at his place"

@V4911 Bjarne.... there shold be an overflow pipe on a banjobolt beside the liftpump . The pump and governor are separat compartments and both shold have oil, the pump: up to the overflow pipe and the governor to the upper of the two bolts on the rear face
You can see in the upper picture that i have the banjo-bolt that it;s continued wit a piece a hose.
As you can see in the picture below, I unscrew the two screw noted with 1[/] and 2[/] and filled with diesel (it was half filled with diesel and no rust present there).
here it;s a short movie with the engine running and it can be seen how he tremble.
Also when i remove the injectors i observe that the injector number one,(the farther from operator ) seems to give more fuel then the other three>>> i will send them to a specialist to recheck them.

Sorry for bad resolution and for not rotating clockwise the video.

Please if you have a schematic or some pictures with a inline injection pump unscrewed to know what to aspect for when i will unscrew the governor and from where it cam be calibrate.

Thanks to all


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