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question Fast Ursus/Zetor Crystal - 50 kmh?


Level 1
Jan 4, 2007
First name
Per Olav
I have bought a ursus 1204 with only 1900 hours , and the dealer will delive it next week. Is it true they can run 50km/h?? I think i will fit a turbo on it. Nice tractor i think.
Some on the forum who have experience with ursus???
Hmm...I thought that the Ursus 1204 was a Crystal 12011. How old is the one you have bought?

I doubt very much it would do 50 Km/h - I know that you would not want to be in it if it did! You would need front suspension on a tractor to go at 50 Km/h.

A contractor fiend of mine runs a mixed fleet or Zetor and Ursus. He has the lowest operating overhead around. The only difference is that the door hinge backwards on the Ursus compared to the Zetor.

Its likely that it has a 40K box. the way to tell is that 4th gear is foreward on the main gearstick and 3rd is back, the opposite to a standard crystal. Our 941 is like that, but it is a bit worrying at full speed, especially with no front end brakes !!
Yes i tried but they did not answer:(. The ursus dealer here also tried to get me a new ursus but its not possible.:(
But there in no problem with parts. the ursus dealer and zetor dealer prommised me there is no problem to get parts for these tractors. But these tractor i have bought is a bit special beqause the top of roof is produced in finland. The dealer named this tractor for Finn-ursus. I have neverd heard that name before. But the biggest difference is that this tractor has cabinheater in top of the roof.
Take a look at Konedata – traktorien ja puimurien teknisiä tietoja - http://www.konedata.net !!! lot of picture for all tractors, but we must get markku to translate for us:D
Okey, is it only ursus who have this 40k box? Never seen a zetor crystal with 4. gear forward. How old is your ursus?
Yes, Finn Ursus has different cabin roof, external hyrdaulics and dashboard as "standard" Ursus have. Those changes are made in Finland by importer.

There is models 34 km/h (standard) 40 km/h (transporter) 50 km/h (sc. traffic model, wet type brakes etch, equipped in finland) and 68 km/h (totally illegal) It is common hobby here to change some gears to Ursus and ZTS tractors ;) Those fast models are mostly done by owners themself and used for pulling big trailers with hydraulic brakes.

Finn Ursus turbo models has turbo chargers fitted in finland. Thats why all models here have 16+8 gearbox, not 12+6 like ZTS above 140 hp have.

Hmm... I think you got good tractor. Spare parts should not be a problem, except roof heater...... those you cant find from anywhere. But you can find blowers etch, from car sparepart shops ;) Actually, you could ask those parts from finnish Crystal dealer, he maybe can tell where to find them.

Our 941 Ursus is 1992, but it had the heater and radio in the roof as origional equipment.
The roof is rusted out owing to the tractor working next to the sea with its first and only other owner, and I have been trying to find a good roof , either similar to the origional or as was fitted to the De-luxe Crystal of 1984, which was British made. Anyone know of one ?
I heard the norwegian importer bought some finn-ursus from the finnish importer 20years ago. I think this tractor must be one of them. beqause its sold by orginal importer/dealer when it was new. It was a lot of side import here on zetor and ursus 20years ago. Small companyes bought zetor and ursus direct from factory with smaller alternator,starter,tyres ect.
I have alredy ordered turbo kit for this tractor.
And Markku,can you translate for me that is written on konedata about this tractors?? Thanks:)
Here is translation from konedata.

"Begin of 1985 introduced model were known in finland called Finn-Ursus , and had many techical differences to international technical specifications. The biggest model 1614 was not imported to finland. Either 71 and 90 hp models wasnt imported. Model 1014 was available only after 1987.

Turbo models chargers were still fitted in finland, except model 1014, wich was factory charged. Clutch diameter was now 350 mm (4 cyl) and 380 mm (6 cyl), before it was only 335 mm. Share of finish work, of out selling price, was about 50%. Finish made was dashboard, external hydraulic valve block, bonnet and roof element with heater and blower. Gageing of 4 wd was controlled electrically, but front differential lock was still not fitted, also side mounted 4 wd shaft was "old fashion" technic. Allmost half of buyers selected Transport transmission as optional, wich offered nearly 40 km/h speed. Highest speed of standard model was increased to 34 km/h (in finland) year 1987. Year 1990 steering was changed to hydraulic (instead power steering).

Year 2004 was still produced models 1014 and 1614."

In table:

ei FIN = not sold in finland
mek = mechanical
kuivat levyj. = dry disk brakes
tehost./hydr. = power steering/ hydraulic steering
ei = no fitted

I hope this helps you a bit. Sorry my poor english ;)
Thank you Markku!! It helps me!! And your english is better than mine!!!;)
Was it sold many ursus in finland of these models??
Here in norway ursus never sold many tractors.Its beqause the dealernet was not working.
Have you seen the pictyre of this ursus i have bought? Does it look like a Finn-ursus you think??
Konedata is a very nice site,but its sad its only on finnish.
Re Crystals doing 34 km/h, 40 km/h, 50 km/h or 68 km/h.....

all I can say is GOOD LUCK TO YA!

because if you tried anything beyond the 34 km/h on Irish roads, it would shake the bejayzus out of you and the tractor.

Of course maybe you have better roads ;)

Per Olav,

There were sold hundreds, but not thousands, i think. But i have to say im not totally sure. Old yellow models were sold lot, but those were used mainly for all kind of contracting, farmers didnt buy those much.

But Finn Ursus models werent sold as much, because contractors bought now Zetor Chrystal and ZTS models, because of more comfortable cab and 12+6 heavier built gearbox. 4 cyl models were sold mostly to farmers, but those were not sold many.

I dont excactly remember when last ursus was sold here, but lots of before than last ZTS models wich were sold uo to begin 2000 century.


55 km/hour is yeat nothing on finish roads, but 68 you can drive only on best roads. It is amazing how nicely long 6 pot tractor runs on plane road. I was driving a while Lokomo and Vammas road graders, Lokomo did run 70 km/hour and it goes nicier than japanese cars ;)

Anyway, you must know Kankkunen, Grnholm, Vatanen etch.... that is a way how finish farmers do drive normally at winter time ;)
Ok so the 12/6 is more solid than the 16/8 gearbox? Is it bigger bearings and shafts?? But do you think the 16/8 box will go to hell if i put on turbo and turn up the engine to about 150hp?
What type of gearbox have your zetor ? And have you seen these two ZTS M 98 in finland who stand on mascus.com?? Ok price on the one of them,and only 2000hours. One 1999 and one 2000 model if i dont remember wrong. I tried to import one of them,but one stupid norwegian law stopped it.
Yes, 12+6 gearbox has bigger bearings. I think it is safe to take out up to 140 hp with 16+8. Least when 50 km/h transmission fitted. And you can take out even more, just remember dont pull anything hard with 1st gear ;)

One thing. When you mount turbo, you should change cylinder head gaskets too. You must buy them from ZETOR spare parts dealer, and tell your tractor has turbo charged engine! All 4 pot ursus , wich has been charged in finland does mix oils and coolant liquids, until gasket is changed to zetor 9245 model spare part. Some 6-pot engines had the same, but it is safier to handle that possibility away immediately.

Yes, i know very well the 12245 with calc spreader ;)

Actually i know the owner and i we were driving on the same field last year ;) Hmm.. how to say this, you are lucky you didnt buy that. I dont say there is any serious damages in that tractor, but....... It has 16+8 gearbox.... and calc spreader is heavy to pull when there is 50cm snow.... and it is mostly pulled with 1st gear ;)

The contractor just bought it , so im little confused, that it is allready for sale! And previous owner didnt drive much with it either....
Anyway, you must know Kankkunen, Grnholm, Vatanen etch.... that is a way how finish farmers do drive normally at winter time ;)

...but the Irish roads did for poor old Marcus this year!

The original gearbox was 16/8 but when Zetor turbocharged the 6 cylinder engine, they left the 1st gear out of that transmission.

With the 40 km/h versions with overdrive, they sold 16/8 gears also in the biggest models.These didnt have a 1st gear either: they had gear 2, 3 and the 4 was prise directe: the highest gear was a 3rd gear upside down, with the smallest gear on the top shaft instead of the layshaft, so that it made an overdrive.

Only in the later models, the transmissions really got bigger bearings and actual reinforcements. i think at least 1985 or later, but it might also be from 1992 onwards...

The trick to put more hp through a transmission by installing an overdrive gear instead of the 1st gear, (which means that all gears 1 to 4, arte about 25% more speed, and have to bear 25% less torque) was not uncommon: Ford did it also on the TW series.
Markku, ok so you know this 12245. it was the 16245 i was trying to import. But as you understand, Norway is going to save the worlds clima problems these days so it is not possible to buy a used tractor from finland beqause the co2. But to let out thousands of tons co2 from the oil production in the north sea is ok....
My ursus is in very good condition i think, only the brake on left side who is not working.
Its a finn ursus, i called the ursus importer yesterday and he told me abouth these tractors. They bought this roof,bonnet and dashboard as a kit from finnish producer and mounted it here in norway. So now i am a lucy driver of ursus again;) I just love the sound of the siks pot engine.:):):):)
Its true that at least the crystal could go 50 k. If you turn a one of the gear packs in the gear box. take it out and put it in the other way. it will be a big leap between the two highest gears. but it will run 50 in th highest gear. ive seen one here in norway.

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