Hi. I have just ended up taking 2
Zetor 8011 units from a client in PX for a boat so am trying to tidy them up a bit before finding them new homes.
On one of the tractors, the rear link arms do not go up and down when you move the control lever. Is there a separate procedure I am missing as it is many years since I last played with tractors.
Also, the PTO engages when you push the small lever on the floor to the RH side of the seat forward but grinds a bit when engaging - is there a clutch for this or is it meant to be a crash gearbox? I see there is a small pedal on left hand side of the cab floor near the seat- could this be it as at the moment it is stuck.
Also, the pto lever on the steering console doesnt seem to do anything.
Any comments or advice would be greatly appreciated - I am a marine engineer by trade so the engine i can deal with but everything else is a bit alien to me!
These 2 units will be up for sale shortly so if anyone is interested, please let me know.
One has tidy tinwork and the other not so tidy. Both engines start and run well with only a little smoke when cold. No leaks worth mentioning and each have fairly old tyres but all hold air ok.
Wiring is non existant on both at the moment but will have new battery and alternator wiring before being sold.
Brakes work on both as do the clutches and all gears. Neither are currently fitted with pickup hitches. One has a fixed towing eye and rear linkage fitted, the other has nothing at present.
Both have cabs with doors. The not so tidy tractor has most of its cab glass (door bottoms and front low windows missing), the tidy one has all of its glass.
Many Thanks & Hope Someone Replies!