Hello Martin,
first - it would be nice if you post first a Hello, Iam martin, and this is my new
Zetor 7245 (with pictures in best case). Thanks for.
You can do that here:
Post thread - https://zetorworld.com/forums/hello_thats_me/post-thread
Any ideas? I’ve already ordered a new oil pressure switch(?) just to rule that out.
In most cases not the best idea.
Better would be to buy a oil pressure test set (like one from ebay for around 30 euros to messure the real oil pressure. like I do it here:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjziDeNKcD0
Good pressure will be betwenn 1,0 bar at low rpm (500) and up to 5,5 bar at high rpm (2.200).
If the light goeas on, its lower then 0,5 bar - and thats nothing you can work with. But the light goes out by around 0,7 bar and so you can think: hmm, its ok, the light is out. But it isnt - so, best practice is messure the pressure.
An often coming damage on older Zetor models with low oil pressure will be only a damaged rubber seal:
It is often enough to bend the pipe 32 a little so that it sits a little deeper in the blind hole with the sealing ring 33 and to put in a new sealing ring 33. It is best to have one with an oversize (originally it is 18x2 mm - better is 18x2.3 mm with a thicker cord) and made of Viton or silicone instead of NBR (which was originally installed at the factory).
When fitting the pipe 32, make sure that you do not pull it out of the blind hole when tightening the pipe. This is a somewhat unsightly construction in this place, but if you pay attention, it is not a problem.
And if you have already removed the oil pan, check that the mass balancing weights on the crankshaft (2 pieces) are firmly in place. On your model, these could have come loose over the years. I suspect it is due to the fact that the pulley on the crankshaft is often not balanced on these models. Subsequent models had a balanced pulley and loose mass balancing weights are rather unknown.
This problem applies to ALL Zetors from Zetor 2011 to Zetor 7245. From Zetor 7745 onwards there was a balanced pulley.
Most engines had great oil pressure again after this repair.