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hello New zetor 6945 owner from Australia

Australia downunder6945

New member
Level 1
Nov 24, 2004
Melbourne VIC, Australia
First name

Zetor 6945, 1978
Hi All,

Just thought i'd drop by and say G'day! Ive just purchased a 1978 6945 and hope to learn lots about it here.

I just got the manuals for it today and am learning lots already.
I'm new to the farming scene and have a small hobbie farm in the Yarra Valley Victoria.

Cheers Rob.
G'day Rob!

I hope you enjoy your 6945 as much as we enjoy ours :)

Today I'll be doing snow work with ours - we've just had the first real snow of the winter.

Be careful of hobbies - about four years ago we thought "it might be nice to get a horse". Heh heh. Now we have a horse. And a pony. And we look after two horses belonging to other people. And we've rented 8 hectares of hay field, have two tractors, and have had to move to a proper farm in the country... so much for "it might be nice to get a horse" ;)

Anyway, what kind of hobby farming are you going to do?

Hi JP and thanks for the warm welcome!

Im hopefully taking delivery this weekend and have lots of work for her to do already.
As for hobbie farming, nothing much happening there on that front at the moment, hovever my 5 acre property was an old potato farm so that may be a good place to start, once the all the overgroth is removed:D and ground harrowed.

I was at my grandparents in Austria once and shoveled bloody snow everyday for six weeks:( and that was just to get out of the house, i don't know how the Northerner's put up with it all the time? I guess your 6945 makes light work of it?
Speaking of horses,
I used to have horses on another property, neveragain though.....lol. Thoroughbreeds, damn expensive to maintain and always getting hurt.

Cheers Rob
i don't know how the Northerner's put up with it all the time?

It's not all the time.. only about 4 months :(

I guess your 6945 makes light work of it?

Speaking of horses,
I used to have horses on another property, neveragain though.....lol. Thoroughbreeds, damn expensive to maintain and always getting hurt.

Cheers Rob

Yeah, my sister has some sort of thouroughbred. I rode it once. Once. Only once. Fortunately she lives about 3000 miles away so the question of whether or not I'm chicken hasn't arisen ;)

Ours are Finn-horses - a kind of athletic species of carthorse. Pretty robust, not too fussy and most of them have their heads screwed on properly ;)

All the best


P.S. there are some Finn horse pictures at

More horses:

My father started breedind "warm blood" or toroughbred 20 years ago. The last 10 years we sold horses to the USA, England and Sweden.
My brother is a blacksmith driving around the customers with his MB Vito.

....And I am the iron horse guy... ;)
And more to come,

my father started breeding "warm blood" or toroughbred in 1976 The last 15 years we sold horses all over the world, U.S.A. England. Sweden. Austria.. Danmark. France. Belgium Italy and more.
My second Brother is a blacksmith driving a round the costumers with his M.B Vito.
My youngest brother thinks he nows evrything a bout my fathers history off breeding horses and thinks he is the "Iron horse guy". but he is no more than the webmaster off this wonderfull site.
And I, I'm the only iron horse guy in the family.
greetings Gerlant.
duh...??? My brother is fighting me for the title "iron horse guy of the family..."
the one doesn't exclude the other !! ;)

Hmm ZJ, it seems i didn't set up the forum's automatic "dirty word" censoring right !! :p;)
Hi Rob,

welcome to the zetor owners, i also got a 6945 and use it in the forrest. there`s no way the tractor can`t go, i think it`s better than an UNIMOG (and this from a german).

regards from Germany


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