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info Some things we change, add or remove - for your information

Germany Joachim

Staff member
Sep 9, 2012
Wiedemar, Germany
First name

Zetor 2011, Zetor 3045, Zetor 5011, Zetor 7340 Economic
Some things we change, add or remove - for your information

From time to time we add new functions, installing updates, but also remove unused functions or change some settings. Thats normal in a forum and website life.
In the sense of transparenz, we would inform you here if we do some significant things. So you are up to date.

Let's start...

+ Added
  • 2023-08-31 - our membermap now as there own menu point at top navigation
  • 2023-08-31 - added support for Hive Community Beta Test - you can now follow us via Hive Community App
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  • 2023-09-01 - attachments now also support the *.webp file format
  • 2023-09-25 - added view counter for articles
  • 2023-08/09 - some cleanup work at old threads and postings
  • 2023-09/10 - some optimizing stuff for better usebility, mor speed and better SEO
  • 2023-11-7 - added some tolls for better spam and double account prevention
  • 2023-11-7 - added a moderation panel for our mods/admins
  • 2023-11-18 - added "Classified adds" Widget in sidebar
  • 2023-11-18 - added "Zetor News " Widget in sidebar
  • 2024-02-11 - added a avatar gallery
  • 2024-08-20 - added watermarking all pictures to save copyrights our members pictures

- Removed

o Changed
  • 2023-08-31 - scale and viewpoint of the membermap for better usability
  • 2023-09-26 - changed the visibility of attachments, more details here: details
  • 2023-11-18 - move "latest posts" from sidebar to the top for better fokus on
  • 2024-02-09 - upgrade forum software to Xenforo 2.2.15 and PHP to 8.2.x
  • 2024-03-02 - switching from hCapcha to Cloudflare Tunstile

> planed
  • 2023 - copy and translating to english some or all entries from zetor-forum.de ressources to the FAQ at zetorworld.com
  • 2024 - upgrade forum software to Xenforo 2.3.x with some better user experience

^ in progress
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added: view counter for articles preview in our news forum eg.
so its better to see what news find your interest. :)
Changed the visibility of attachments.
- less rights for guests and fresh registered members
- full rights to level 2 members

...for more details and the reason take a look at here: details
  • 2023-11-7 - added some tolls for better spam and double account prevention
  • 2023-11-7 - added a moderation panel for our mods/admins
  • 2024 - upgrade forum software to Xenforo 2.3.x with some better user experience
See also first post.
To try to take a better fokus on new posts I now have moved the "latest posts" from sidebar to top.
And I have added instead new "Zetor News " and "Classified adds" widget at sidebar to fokus our news and classified add sections also a litle bit better.

I think its better now - but you can give me feedback what you think about. :)
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After a long time (2 years !) offline and reatsrt end august 2023 we are on the right way I think...
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(We use matomo metrics, GDPR and private data safe at our own server, to learn how we can ore should make our site better for you. )

I now - it will be a hard way to bring life back at Zetorworld.com, but Iam positivly it will work. It takes the time it needs. :)
To try to take a better fokus on new posts I now have moved the "latest posts" from sidebar to top.
And I have added instead new "Zetor News " and "Classified adds" widget at sidebar to fokus our news and classified add sections also a litle bit better.

I think its better now - but you can give me feedback what you think about. :)
Definitely much better now! (y) (y) (y)
Upgrade the forum software to Xenforo 2.2.15 and PHP to 8.2.x
End our Server to Ubuntu Pro with LTS/ESM for better/longer updates now.
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Added a avatar gallery whre you can simply select a Zetor tractor avatar as your avatar picture if you have no own one to upload.


To select, upload or change your avatar picture click on your member name at the menu and then on your actual avatar picture to edit them.

Enjoy! :)
We switching from hCapcha to Cloudflare Tunstile and sharpen some anti spam settings today to better prevent you (our members like you) from the spamers shit. ;) :)
Now first year after relaunch is nearly up - time to look back:


I think it's OK but there's still room for improvement. ;)

Please tell others about our forum, link to our forum on Facebook or Instagram and continue to participate actively here to help shape the forum. (y)
Added today a watermark function for all pictures/attachments to save members copyrights more and fight against content theft and deep linking.

You have nothing todo it works automaticly and for all images from oldest to newest one.
It views the upload year, the membername and our site name - so if it would be reused on other sites you can easy identify your own stuff.

One year after restart, the things runs right and I think we are back on a good way with Zetorworld.com as a Site from and for Zetor Fans worldwide.
Thanks for all old and new members, thanks for all actives and also for the "readers" and not to forget - thanks to Renze to give me the chance for a relaunch/restart of this good old site. Let us see what next years will bring for Zetorworld.com. :)

If I can have a wish - I wish me a little bit more help from members to members, I think there can be better in next months or years.

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