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Torgue amplifier 8111



Hi everyone.
I am sorry, my english is not very well.
I have zetor 8111. Now i have problem.
WHile i am driving it, it change from hi to lo speed itself.When it is on lo speed, zetor do not want to change to hi speed. Olso when i use the pto, it is stopping under pressure, or when i load it. Is the problem in the pump, which is in the gears. I will look the pto pack.how can i test the amplifier.Is there anything to change in it, as seals or o rings??? If it is not the pump, what i have to change in that amplifier.Is it possible , the problem to be just in the amplifier or just in the pto pack and because of it the other think not to work???? Can anyone send me pictures????
Thanks to everybody for opinion.
your torque pump is gone,its dead. you will have to spilt the tractor and put in a new one
i think dave has nailed it.. not sure if theres any point adjusting the valve under the floor panels . i no it has worked for me on the pto pack .. sure could be worth a try.. the valve contols the low pressure . dave should be able to tell you the correct pressure .. if you fit a new pump your probly have to set valve anyway ..
Today i check the pressure on the back of the traktor on each pipe. The pressure was 5 bar from 700 to 2000rpm of the motor. I think that the torque pump is for changing.
Is this pump the problem for the torque amplifier. Have i to change sometgink else????
Hallo, Today i split the tractor. I found the torgue pump and remove it. How can i understand is there a problem with the amplifier or not. Is there a way to test it or not.

I view the brake of the drum with plates.Is there behaind the drum something that i have to inspect as you stays on the plase of engine
Have i to take off it to see the plates inside. Give me opinions please????

the torque pump is made up of two gear wheels and when its bet they just fall around or the bearings fall to pieces.putting a new one and slap her back together and alls good
A friend of mine with the same pronlem, change the pump, and the problem stays. TA do not work. It drives just in the low speed?Why?
Can anyone explain how this TA works.
Ones the pressure from the pump goes on the brake of the drum of the and traktor is on low speed? Then where goes that pressure, to make TA working on hi speed? Can somebody explain what happens??????
Can i test the amplifier while the traktor is splited and how?
hi am read this from the manual .. (pump tests) this may be perfomed when the floor has been partially removed by fixing the pressure gauge onto the gearbox cover supply tube end . the gauge for the test shall be provide with a thrrottle valve .. but if it was me i would stick in new pump .. then check pressure at the distribution valve .. if you follow the steel pipes from the back pto they go to this valve check pressure as dave said
I will put new pump. I could not split tractor every day. But that's why I ask somebody to tell me how to test the amplifier while tractor is spllited. Before I split it it change speed from hi to lo sometimes when it wants, and itself goes back to lo speed. There was oil.I test the pressure at the back side and it was 5 bar up to 6 when motor rpm are on max.
Now I will put new pump. and put engine on its place. If the amplifier do not want to change hi lo? What I have to do?
You have got the correct pump ? the one you need to get at is on the rear of the gearbox bulkhead facing back, not in the clutch housing. I don't think you can test the system without the tractor being assembled. As said in the previous post, if you put a guage on the riser pipe under the floor, it must have a relief valve in the pipe work somewhere or you will split the new pump.

While you have it apart it would be a good idea to take the TA pack apart and check the seals and condition of the plates.
When you put the pump back in it is always a good idea to replace the flexible feed pipe up the rear of the pump, as I have known the pipe to fail or come off, and you can't get it back on without splitting the tractor again.
I have the correct pump, it is in the TA HOUSE, with 27 tooth and with 3 m8 bolts, flexible pipe for incoming oil and outcoming oil is in the clutch house. I will put it, change the flexible pipe, check TA plates and seals, but I think there is no problem with them. It sometimes goes on hi speed and work, but for some minutes, especialy when the oil is cold..Then back to lo speed. That's why I think there is no problem with plates and seals in TA, but I will check.
Now for that Control ValVe or relief valve?
How I should adjust it? Where I should put guage to test pressure, what it should be?
Is it for the PTO pack just or both for PTO and TA or with it I just control the pressure?
How does it look this valve, a bolt with nut? What I should do?

Thanks to everybody for helping me.
The relief valve is in the control block under the cab floor.
Pressure can be checked at the PTO pipes at the back. This also checks the pressure in the TA. you can tell if there is a major leak in the TA by moving the TA lever while checking pressure. It should drop and then return to normal. Dont forget there is also a seal on the brake band ram , but these rsrely cause trouble.
If i put a guage on the back side near the pto for pressure, i should adjust the control valve to show 12 bar. Does the same pressure goes to TA, or i should adjust it????
I mean new pump. I have to adjust pressure 12 bar.Right?

Can somebody tell me , what are doing part with position 5 and 12. Are they from torque amplifier or not???

Yes, set pressure at 12 bar at 1500RPM and expect it to go to max 14 at 2200
Your parts diagram is different from mine, maybe a later tractor.
I think part 5 is crownwheel gear for the planetry gears whose holder is part 12, all part of the TA
As i said the tractor before i split it goes ok on lo speed and when i put it on hi speed, it goes, but for while and back to lo speed. If the plates in the drum of the TA is worn, i think the tractor will not work on lo speed.If they are wotn i think the tractor will stay.Before i split it i goes uphill with 9 tons lorry and it goes with no problem.
What do you think. Have i to chech the plates or to put the new pump, and to beleive that the problem will disapear.

Had this problem. When garage split tractor they found wear on the inside of a bushing which was allowing the oil to escape under presure, hence pto and torque problems.Perhaps someone here with more knoledge coul describe parts better. Torque pump was fine. After fiz pto brake is still not perfect. During the diagnostic stage we removed one plate from pto pack as garage thought they were tight. could this contribute to lack of break.
This that you said should be behind TA pack, which press the Drum with plates.I must remove pack with plates. When I remove tha plates, on the pack there are big circlips, are they under pressure or not. Is it easy to assemble then it?
As requested, here are links to workshop manual , I hope this is what you wanted.
Pic 1 part 37 is TA pump
Pic 2 adjust part 25 t0 12 bar

1692615454474.png 1692615475179.png
Is this on the picture the relieve valve or not.If not where is it???? I am circle it with red.
Hello to everybody in that forum.
Can you tell me on the picture in previous messege , is that that i am circuled in red the control valve for TA and PTO.

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