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tracing a poor earth

Finland arctic003

Level 1
Sep 8, 2003
First name
Hello again :)

This time I have some electrical problems!

When the right hand turn signal is on, the white side marker light flashes dim. Also, both headlamps only glow dimly. In addition to these problems the rear lights do odd things too!

I suspect that there is a bad earth connection somewhere!

Can anyone say if this is a common ocurrence with these machines, and where is a good place to start looking for the fault?

Many thanks :)


Depends on what state your electrics are in overall. I'd start at the lights first and work back to the cab. Ensure all light electrical connections are tight - clean connections by removing corrosion with a file. Assuming the wiring loom is good, work back to the cab and repeat the process.

It doen't sound too serious - just annoying.

Unfortunately there are no silver bullet answers to these sort of questions are they are totally dependant on the individual tractor. However, a methodical approach will pay dividends.


Check the battery poles first, they tend to fog down with white oxides, attracted by the acids inside the battery. Get a steel brush and clean the contact areas well, and see what happens.
If your side marker flashes aswell you must have a poor earth to the indicator bulb causing it to earth through the side marker light's earth.It should be fairly easy to fix.In my experience you can usually fix it if no one has been fiddling with the loom to add CB Radios and extra lamps using those Scotchlok connectors that clip onto the original wires!!
Thanks for your replies folks :)

I started to have a dig around with the electrics at the weekend but... it's all scotchblocks, quick connectors, wires twisted together and bound with insulating tape... I could go on...

As I needed the tractor for clearing snow (yes it's that time of year already :( ) I decided not to fiddle too much as I did want it to start!

Perhaps sometime this week I'll have a spare moment and can start to tidy it all up...

Thanks again


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