Zetor Beater,
I also am a new owner of a 1999 3340 and when I tried moving the lever back to raise the 3-point hitch,
it was so dirt rusted up that it must have been never been moved up past the half way position for many years.
I soaked it with B'LASTER PB Penetrant Pro oil and pushing the lever with my foot,
with working it back and forth it did cleaned up.
It now works properly,
but that part is not a
help for you needing to fix your broken part.
Before I got it freed up I was seeing it was going to be a hard place to get to.
I was thinking, I needed to remove the fender if possible.
So I am very interested to know the best way to get at this linkage too.
The video and pictures are helpful
and the instructions: take out the seat,
take out the rear floor panel,
take out the lower rear window frame
and then remove the lifting struts
and then remove the upper
hydraulic cover.