How ya DIYI don't think I have ever seen a 3340 in real life. Those tiny 4wd's wouldn't been popular in Ireland. I saw a 4340 and a 5340 OK. Tractors that small used to only be imported as 2wd
I'm looking at a Zetor 33 41 at the moment. It's pretty Tidy - import from the UK - not many hours on it.
I only really need it for bales in the concrete yard and muck out dry bays.
I like how compact it is but if feels big from in the cab. Dealer's going to put two new front tyres and a front loader with prong + bucket. It's coming together nicely but I'm not seeing much info online about 33 41 super?
Any comments?
Can you expand on "very affordable"Different countries, different customs and traditions.
The 3-cylinder models were probably the best-selling models at Zetor at the time.
The 3340 was often used in part-time farms, in stables or by horse owners. Small, maneuverable, very economical in consumption and sufficiently powerful for mowing, turning, raking and small baling. And very affordable.
I'm looking at a nice tidy one, very low hours. Front tyres (original) need replacing but inside and out are in good order.