OLA : Being careful with a cold engine is a preventive measurement, not a cure... It's an anti-flu vaccin, not the antibiotics....
Your story is like mine: an engine getting too hot, with a new water pump !!
Our 5245 was perviously owned by an old man, who probably thought his tractor was taking a piss, just like the horse he had, and after the freeing piss it could start working better than before.... Sure NOT !!!>

Oh yes, take out the
fuel nozzles and let them be tested !!
My 5245 also (probably) has two very bad fuel nozzles. A guy that worked at a marine engine shop, told me that a worn (or burned) fuel nozzle could spit the fuel against the cylinder wall instead of dispensing it, causing piston ring leaks. Piston rings could be in good shape, but the fuel spit on the cylinder wall causes the very, very little amount of oil on it to dissolve, causing the piston rings to leak.
let it run stationary, and tightly grip an injector line with two fingers. If they are o.k you will feel short, intense pulses through the line every time a dose is injected. a worn injector just flaps...
If they are o.k you will feel it in the muscles of your hand within a minute. (160 bar in milliseconds, a very intense frequency)