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question Zetor Crystal 8045 hydraulic problem

84a-200 how do you tell the year ? The steering felt ok to me seemed light but i have only driven it out of the shed ! How much oil does the gearbox hold ? Im going to take the pump out and inspect it .

Any tricks or things i should be aware of taking the hydraulic pump off ?
84a-200 how do you tell the year ? The steering felt ok to me seemed light but i have only driven it out of the shed ! How much oil does the gearbox hold ? Im going to take the pump out and inspect it .

There should be a plate under the dash down near the break pedal failing that there should be a plate on the engine block that has the year of manufacture stamped on it.

The gearbox holds 52 litres, I'm not sure you will be able to tell a lot from looking at a pump, I have never opened one but some people have put kits into them, we only took them off and replaced them.

Any tricks or things i should be aware of taking the hydraulic pump off ?

Either empty the oil from the gearbox or raise up the front wheels so you don't get covered in it, you will need to pry the pump out of the shaft and mind the O ring. 2 bolts hold it in, the inside one is the hardest
I only got 18 litres out of the gearbox i guess that could be why its not working ill get some more oil next week and fill it with 52 litres .
Your sure that the engine not humming when you engaged the lever. That test I mention earlier only works when nothing is plugged into the hydraulics and the oil has no where to go, and it's forced against the coupling. The tractor sounds under pressure.

I only got 18 litres out of the gearbox i guess that could be why its not working ill get some more oil next week and fill it with 52 litres .

52 would be completely empty, it would 2 drums to be enough anyway, 18 is way under total amount it would want especially if there's a loader on it

There is 2 bung nuts to empty the backend, 1 at the gearbox and the other is under where the pickup hitch is, if you drop the hitch you will see it
I just drainded the front bung under gearbox is the back (diff ) joinded or 2 total seperate chambers ?
I just drainded the front bung under gearbox is the back (diff ) joinded or 2 total seperate chambers ?

No it's all one big section, it's just if you want it to empty completely if your going to fill with all new oil it would be no harm to open both bung nuts, also the back one has a magnetic on it so you will get any steel particles out of the backend.

bit of oil not lots gearbox has oil to just above 2nd notch on dip stick . Tractor had been sitting for over 2 years before i bought it

Unfortunately you cant always go by the dipstick in those tractors there was some of them had long sticks and a raiser on the top to bring the nut flush with the floor and more that were down under the floor that you would need a socket with an extension bar to reach. But the oil needs to be up to between the second and the third notch if you got a loader on it.
I finally got the hydraulics work thanks for your info i ended up pulling the pump off testing it and the drive replaced o rings and checked cartridge filter replaced that o ring as it was leaking filled all galleries with oil and filled with new oil 50 something litres and its working good . Just have power steering box to fix now . What is the recommended oil.for power steering? Is it ATF oil ?
I finally got the hydraulics work thanks for your info i ended up pulling the pump off testing it and the drive replaced o rings and checked cartridge filter replaced that o ring as it was leaking filled all galleries with oil and filled with new oil 50 something litres and its working good . Just have power steering box to fix now . What is the recommended oil.for power steering? Is it ATF oil ?

Yes ATF oil its red colour. fill the tank and turn the steering wheel from lock to lock a few times.

Did you get the 4WD cable fixed too? you must have it all fixed well now so?
No i havent looked at the 4wd yet ive been busy havent worked on the tractor much lately . Now my next problem is the steering box leaking out the thread on top from the sector shaft how is best to fix that is there a seal in that or just the thread tension to stop oil leaking from there ?
Now my next problem is the steering box leaking out the thread on top from the sector shaft how is best to fix that is there a seal in that or just the thread tension to stop oil leaking from there ?

When your looking down at it from the top first is a the tab washer and a circlip from a cover under that is a sealing ring.
leaking out the thread on top from the sector shaft how is best to fix that is there a seal in that or just the thread tension to stop oil leaking from there ?

Maybe I read your question wrong Damo, is the leak out the top under the radiator? if so it looks like I have said in last post. or is it leaking out of the distributor, that is where the steering shaft yokes onto it.
Yes its out the top around the tabed nut directly under radiator can i pull all that apart while box is in tractor ? I will try with it in first ? Is it a special seal in there i have to get ? Would you have an exploded picture of the steering box ? I havent had much time on it lately doing bits and peices when i can .
Yes its out the top around the tabed nut directly under radiator can i pull all that apart while box is in tractor ? I will try with it in first ? Is it a special seal in there i have to get ? Would you have an exploded picture of the steering box ? I havent had much time on it lately doing bits and peices when i can .

I only ever took off a distributor to replace for a new one, I never took apart the actual steering box,I took off the whole thing and bought it to a main dealer to repair as was leaking too. Yes I have a picture of it in pieces, If you want to show your email I will send it to you. you can hide it again afterwards.

By the way the power steering holds 7 litres of ATF oil
I have sent you an email now so hopefully your able to see what needs to be done, and you can report back to here on your progress all going well.
Thanks diy farmer the info was good. To fix it properly you do have to remove the steering box but i managed to remove the nut and put an O ring and grey selastic under the the nut it has stopped the leak for now for good i hope .
I sent you an email with a photo can you tell the year of the tractor from that plate ?
I have finally managed to put the front end back on and it is all working great :) i will give it a workout this weekend see if anymore problems / leaks show up
That's a great looking tractor you have. And I'm glad things are working out for you .

Thanks diy farmer the info was good.
all working great :) i will give it a workout this weekend see if anymore problems / leaks show up

You could go ice skiing with it if you were in Europe at the moment
I have emailed you back a reply and includes photos too.

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