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news Zetor design concept by Pininfarina, on Agritechnica


Zetor finally got it: A manager manages processes. an engineer focuses on a small part of the technology, and a designer connects the technology with the user, and oversees and negotiates their boundaries with the engineers. With small processes an engineer can maintain this connection, but the bigger the process and the more subassembly workgroups, the more need there is for a person that makes these meet, without taking on too much burden of every detail of the engineering itself. Product designer is an essential and unique trade, and the Italians excel at it, more than any other country ! (they dont allways excel at engineering because their car designers overrule the engineers, creating designer cars that arent reliable and are a servicemans nightmare, but tractor is Zetor and Italia is design !! ;) )

Another design concept.... not another cab interior ?
@Renze Do You know what Zetor had been used to built this prototype? New Crystal or Maxterra. I think that it is Maxterra with Zetor engine.
You right, the have used the prototype maxterra the same as they used in 2009 agritechnia. I have been jumped the glass plates and shaw a ZF back end.

It a little sad they must use a fancy italian designer and a chick with big tits to get attention. En than wait for 18 months for a new major.


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