See that, this 18345 rear axle has SUBSTANTIALLY bigger planetaries and crown gear. Thats good because even at 140hp the UR2 axle would break the pinion shaft out of the housing.
Its still a big mistake that HTC didnt buy the remains of ZTS to make these 144/16445 under
Zetor name alongside the 11741, for the time being. The sooner ZTS would have forgotten about competing with Zetors 4 cylinders and instead join them, the better their chance of survival would have been.
A UR3 six cylinder should have replaced the UR4 engine in front of the HSX transmission with the Forterra cab, from 2007 onwards.
The HSX of 2012 should have come 5 years sooner and then become a transmission of 120-200hp with the 24 valve UR3 six cylinder, 4 cylinder with the UR3 axle, and 150-200hp with overdrive transmission and the UR4 axle.
Then today they would have had the economy of scale to finalise their DSG prototypes.
Really interesting to see what ZTS had in the works, certain building blocks for future use, and interim six cylinder offerings that could have put Zetor in a much brighter position today...