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Zetor News

What's up at Zetor and Zetor dealers?
Only one classic model: Proxima 100 CL. And Proxima HS 100-110-120: Its in line with Deeres 6MC (compact 100-120hp models) The Proxima Plus is discontinued (it was as expensive as a Proxima Power and everybody chose a Power for the few Euros extra) The trend, due to the cost price difference in sub 75hp and 75hp plus emission requirements, is that everything under 75hp is light duty and above 75hp is medium duty because emissions cost money anyways: So you get cheap 75hp tractors and you get expensive 95hp tractors, the 85hp models become too expensive to sell anyway. Together with the rumors of Ursus seeking cooperation with Zetor, this can only lead to Ursus building the Major for Zetor, with Ursus C335, 350 and 360 as Major CL 40...
...so this is where Zetor applied al its smart guys and financial resources the past few years... They show more vision by this move (ZTS Martin is bankrupt now, but also produced a "Gator" APC. And the demand for vehicles that can patrol in IED ridden Middle East conflict areas without being shred like tincans by improvised explosive devices set by insurgents, will only increase.) https://defence-blog.com/ideb-2018-zetor-engineering-unveiled-new-gerlach-4x4-armoured-tactical-vehicle/ Source: https://www.zetorgerlach.com/
On Agriland.ie theres word about a Crystal HD coming this autumn. Will this be the answer to MF Dynashift, new Holland rangecommand and Deeres DirectDrive, the thing needed to keep dealers aboard ? http://www.agriland.ie/farming-news/over-20000-zetor-forterra-tractors-roll-off-the-line-in-20-years/ A rumor: McHale plant sales, importer for Ireland, has fired their Zetor sales coordinator and stopped advertising Zetor early 2018. By appointing McHale (importer of Komatsu earthmoving) as importer, did they make the same strategic mistake as by appointing Pols (importer of greencare equipment) in the Netherlands a few years ago ? In Holland they are back with their previous importer but damage has been done by dealers abandoning ship...
Zetor are running a photo competition to celebrate 20 years of the Forterra, it is open to anyone anywhere, till 5th of May. So if you have a 1998 9641 up to a 140HSX/HD/150, get your camera out and send it to Zetor on Facebook messenger https://www.zetor.com/zetor-world/your-stories/forterra/the-zetor-calendar-photo-competition-has-a-winner-what-s-their-story
New Forterra on Techagro: The warmer shade of red, but luckily not the Pininfarina plastic look on the new Forterra !?! Now standard: power hydraulic brakes on HSX and smaller, air brakes on HD and Crystal. Overdrive transmission (40kmh at 1850rpm) on HSX and HD. Front axle suspension optional on HSX, standard on HD. No rumor about cab interior on HSX and Crystal, nor availability of eco transmission on the Crystal. Does anyone know anything about the Crystal ?
Zetor introduced the Zetor global range last year, for the non-regulated markets of Africa and Asia. I had an hour to spend, so i went googling: Zetor Global 1045 - 1075 range: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/48b31f_f388409b81ff4096a415a0979bccd601.pdf https://www.zetor.in/zetor-global-range Somehow, a 45 and 55 model, and a 60 and 65 model having the same torque output -and- backup percentage but a different horsepower rating, means that the leaflet data is incorrect. There is only one or two manufacturers in India that use a 5 bolt front hub: And one of them using a Simpson engine, Perkins license, which this one has not. Sonalika also has 5 bolt front hubs, offers an 8/2 gearbox for the models up to 65hp and a 12/12 gearbox for...
Not many people have noticed, but there was something interesting on Zetors Agritechnica stand: a Forterra 150 with a 50kmh (40kmh eco) transmission. In the cab, you can see that the 5 speed gearshift pattern is different, its like a car: that means it also has an overdrive, like a car. If they made the overdrive so that there is no overlap between 4th gear 3rd powershift, and 5th gear 1st powershift, it would mean 40kmh at 1800rpm without increasing the takeoff speed in high range. (5th gear low range is only used for fast headland speed, so the overlap between 4th gear low range and 1st gear high range is still enough) The cab is also put up higher above the rear axle. For tje Forterra HD this is enough, but on the Crystal we...
https://www.zetor.com/news/detail/99 Zetor signed a contract with Kemp of Russia, to supply 6000 assembly kits for Russian assembly, of the Forterra 135, between 2018 to 2022. 1500 Forterras a year will mean doubling the production of the Forterra range. This is a big thing for Zetor: increase production by 33% without investing in R&D or a sales network. Even if they dont make a big profit on these tractors, overhead cost is spread over a bigger number. Kemp has also expressed interest in a 3 cylinder engine for use in tractors built with Zetor knowhow, the Proxima range and the Crystal. This probably explains why Zetor showed also a 3 and 6 cylinder engine in the component hall on Agritechnica. Russia is a quite protected market...
http://www.agroportal24h.cz/novinky/1235 Zetor will introduce four new models on Agritechnica: the Utilix range of 43 and 49hp (models 45 and 55) will have a hydrostatic gearbox with 3 ranges (if the word hydrostatic is translated correct) which will be very welcome in the USA where they are garden tractors. For special crops, like treenurseries the Hortus 65 model will be introduced with mechanical transmission or with hydraulic powershuttle. This means good news for the North American dealers, where entire dealerships live off homeowners and hobby farmers. That no 200hp tractor is represented, means bad news for European dealers, they will have to give up their Zetor franchise and take on another dealership to supply their...
Zetor North America announced that Zetor is working on a new 45-80hp model line. We already knew this because they wrote it in their annual report, and we saw the "prototype 50" tractor on the Agritechnica. It will sit below the Major and have even smaller tires: So this will be, what America knows as "compact utility tractor" for tree nurseries, estate owners and landscapers. Further, their 2016 annual report says they are continueing work on the common rail injection system and the new gearbox. I cant find a darn thing on the internet regarding to subsidy grants for further development of either project. Has anyone seen or heard any news ?
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