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Zetor News

What's up at Zetor and Zetor dealers?
http://m.timesofindia.com/city/chandigarh/HMTs-tractor-unit-may-close-down/articleshow/50377217.cms This may explain why Zetor has opened a branch in India last year: even when they dont sell new tractors, there will be a huge potential for parts sale for those thousands of Zetor designs produced by HMT...
http://www.zetor.com/zetor-proxima-technical-parameters#obsah https://www.zetor.co.uk/zetor-presents-its-current-and-future-machines-at-the-techagro-trade-fair-commemorates-the-70th-anniversary-of-its-brand?lang=en All models above 75hp have now SCR and an electronic throttle. The 120 is now putting out 507Nm of torque, which equals the 16045 :D Fuelconsumption of the 110 model, of 208 g/kwh is extremely low... Well lets see what the urea consumption will be...
http://www.zetor.com/new-major-hs-a-christmas-gift-from-zetor They did that right !!!! A neat, modern operator environment, with well placed levers. And still simple and straightforward. ....combined with the much better looking Proxima hood... Just one comment: personally i really hate it when the 4wd switch is put within the lighting cluster. It should be put somewhere on the right hand console. I hope they give the Crystal/Forterra a similar makeover soon... because these models need it even harder...
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fjihlava.idnes.cz%2Frozhovor-s-reditelem-motorpalu-v-jihlave-radimem-valasem-pmn-%2Fjihlava-zpravy.aspx%3Fc%3DA160411_2238433_jihlava-zpravy_mv&edit-text=&act=url They have drawn in a manager with experience in crisis management. The high financial loss of last year is due to a collapse of the Russian markets. MTZ is a Motorpal customer, and also the worlds largest tractor manufacturer. This new guy tells that emission legislation is coming in emerging markets such as India and China, markets in which Motorpal is already an established name, where experience with legislation will give Motorpal an advantage over local manufacturers. Last...
I found this: It is an interesting read, if you keep all aspects in mind. It says it tested the engine with just the main injection, at that condition the combustion noise will increase. (thats what the pre-injection is for: the Motorpal system has the capacity of three injections: pre, main and aft injections per cylinder stroke) https://mnet.mendelu.cz/mendelnet2015/articles/65_tunka_1103.pdf What we can learn from this basic research is: The American way (pushed by the EPA that initially banned SCR technology, carried out by John Deere, allmost bankrupting Navistar: EGR only) is useless. The FPT (Iveco, New Holland) way is best: Burn hot, for maximum efficiency, so hot that hardly any soot particles (PM) and unburnt hydrocarbons...
Though Zetor has only a small booth compared to e.g. Ursus, which showed its entire fleet, (and the overwhelming presence of a handfull of Chinese tractor makers) Zetor did have some interesting things: The design concept to me, wasnt big news. Cab windows were darkened and a plastic front weight means that its really a shell, not an actual production model. Really, i wasnt impressed. Same and Deutz tractors are designed by Giugiaro, another Italian competitor of Pininfarina, but its an identical style. If Zetor didnt paint the rims red instead of gray, it would be mistaken for a Same production model... Zetor design has evolved a lot, from the Major (which didnt look too good in initial form) to the Proxima and later the Forterra, and...
It wasnt too late to undo a strategical blunder: After taking the Zetor import away from Slootsmid after warranty disputes, and giving it to Pols, a big organisation in greenkeeping and recycling machinery that had little experience in the Agricultural market, Pols saw their sales expectations not being met and gave their mission back to Zetor. Meanwhile the parts warehouse of Slootsmid Trading is put under the new company Zetrac, with the experience of 40 years of Slootsmid people. This company will now be independent from Slootsmid and offer Zetor dealers technical and commercial assistance whilst coordinating the import. Lets hope they handle this business as succesful as Zetor UK does on the British isle :)...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8CXL_fmIxU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slCSUbp0Lv0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGxAkyeJI9I Did you guys see them ?? Personally i like the 2nd one (the wedding) its kind of cool. The other two portrait Zetor owners as total schmucks that value their tractor higher than family life... It seems quite the opposite of the brand image Zetor is trying to set (the clever choice for the family farmer) where the 2nd video hits the nail on the head: Young farmers that have no sentiment with Zetor in its heighdays (70s/80s) must find it cool again, to show off to their neighbours with a Zetor.
https://www.zetor.com/zetor-brings-a-new-design-concept-the-project-has-benefited-from-cooperation-with-pininfarina-a-leading-global-studio Zetor finally got it: A manager manages processes. an engineer focuses on a small part of the technology, and a designer connects the technology with the user, and oversees and negotiates their boundaries with the engineers. With small processes an engineer can maintain this connection, but the bigger the process and the more subassembly workgroups, the more need there is for a person that makes these meet, without taking on too much burden of every detail of the engineering itself. Product designer is an essential and unique trade, and the Italians excel at it, more than any other country ! (they...
http://www.imiplc.com/~/media/Files/I/IMI/site-visit-brno-2015/precision-all-together-new.pdf Scroll down to page 35. IMI is a subsidiary of Norgren, the company that also supplies controllers for the Proxima Power transmission from 2008 onwards, and also the HSX, HD and Crystal. It appears to be a 2nd prototype, as the first functional prototype had four DSG range shifts behind the standard 3speed powershift module, which was a design with inline top shafts. This one has three gear shift forks, which appear to be offset, which may indicate that this is a design with two parallel topshafts, similar to John Deeres Direct Drive. The prototype in the photo may be the 2nd version (on Espacenet, click on to the next page of the patent...
Pols Zuidland, Zetor importer and an active player in the landscape and park machinery market, has given their mission order back to Zetor. They had different expectations when they started this endeavour only a few years ago. Part of the problem is the upscaling of dealerships where large players demand exclusivity from their dealers, so naturally Zetor with only a 150hp 4 cylinder on offer, will see its dealership being discontinued. During the two years of Pols, only 40 new Zetors have been sold. Though Pols more or less blames the market situation and the dealers, the silent majority of dealers complain that Pols comes from a totally different market, and is not able to give dealers the technical assistance they need, both in sales...
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.farmer.pl%2Ftechnika-rolnicza%2Fmaszyny-rolnicze%2Faktualnosci%2Fzetor-8211-forterra-hd-od-stycznia-wersja-170-km-w-i-polowie-2015-roku%2C54711.html&edit-text=&act=url Thats good news, since the median of todays European tractor market is 150hp, these six cylinder additions to the Zetor product portfolio are very welcome. Customers have been asking for 170hp six pots ever since 2009 when the Maxterra prototypes gained international attention, but now, customers dont have to look any further for a tractor to meet the needs of todays farms, that still keep growing in size. Off course this tractor will have the Deutz TCD6.1 engine as...
https://www.zetor.com/zetor-engines-meet-strict-emission-standards https://www.tractorbynet.com/tractor-news/zetor-news/zetor-certifies-90-hp-engines-for-tier-4-final-worldwide So what Mr. Kolhammer is explaining is that they continue to build Zetor 4 cylinder engines, yet install an SCR system and an active soot filter, to achieve TIER 4 Final emissions. Clearly, because of the parallel introduction of their own TIER 4 Final 4 cylinder engine, this means that this cooperation with Deutz does NOT mean the end of the Zetor 4 cylinder engine, unlike some newspapers write. (!?!) And the Deutz press release: http://www.deutz.com/press/press_container/deutz_to_enter_into_new_partnership_with_zetor.en.html So what Deutz is saying is...
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