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6211 seized !!!!!!!!!


Level 2
Jan 28, 2008
First name
Hi , i have just aquired a zetor 6211 on the weekend :) its been parked up for years covered in pig s**t , also it has had a new / second hand engine fitted as it is golden in colour and not black like the rest of it ,would this be of a 6911 or similar perhaps ?,any way charged the battery and put it on pressed the button and a loud click and a whine from the starter with a funny smell , it appears to be stuck solid.:( the engine that is .
will roll out of gear but will not budge in gear so i presume the clutch /gearbox is ok
how do i tell / how do i free it ???????
any help would be great.
thanks martin

you could unskrew the starter and use a crowbar on the flywhel geare,if you cant pri it around this way it`s most likli the cyl liners are rustet but it can have water in a cylinder or burnt berings.
Take out the injectors and see if any water is present in the cylinders, push a small bore rubber or plastic pipe into each one and suck the end. if there is water then you will have to remove the relevant head. if not then put a large amount of penetrating oil in each cylinder and leave for a few days. Then get some fairly strong helpers and put the tractor in top gear and rock it backwards and forewards as violently as you can.
Dont try to tow it as you can bend con rods or do other damage.
if it turns then spin it on the starter with the injectors still out, putting engine oil into the cylinders.
When its free, its essential that you remove excess oil from the cylinders before replacing injectors or it will come up solid and damage something.
Hope this helps, Dave
Should have said. Is the starter properly disengaged ?
Check this by shorting the 2 big nuts on the end of the starter solenoid. If it spins free its OK.
Dave (from the other side of the moor)
Hi , thanks for all the advice, i have just come back from it after using the crowbar on the flywheel method it worked:p , there was a little resistance but not too much .
now it turns ok on the flywheel apart from one bit where it gets stiff , in the process of doing this i could hear water gurgaling in the exhaust elbow so i drained the engine it had about a gallon of water come out first then the oil :eek: , would it be water in the piston that is causing the tight spot when i turn it by hand ?, more advice please before i do somthing daft like starting it and buggering it up alltogether.
thanks martin
posebly water have cosed a ring of rust inn one or more cylinder liner just on topp of where the piston wass, best ting to do wold be to remowe the cylhead and polish the cylinders but you shold try wiht oil inn the cyliders and injektors out cranking it som time to se if you can make move frely
You have to establish where the water got into the engine, Was it outside without a cap over the exhaust? or is there another problem such as a head gasket. If it was outside and its rain then there will probably be only one bore affected . You will probably have to remove the affected head to grind the exhaust valve that the water went past, so Bjarnes advice about cleaning up the affected cylinder is correct.
You have to establish where the water got into the engine, Was it outside without a cap over the exhaust? or is there another problem such as a head gasket. If it was outside and its rain then there will probably be only one bore affected . You will probably have to remove the affected head to grind the exhaust valve that the water went past, so Bjarnes advice about cleaning up the affected cylinder is correct.
Hi dave thanks for the advice ,the water has entered through the exhaust ,on removing the rocker pots of the top no 1 and 4 have damp /water in them the one nearest the cab is also rusty around the springs and rockers so i would guess this is the one i am looking for ? what do you all think ? .
no 2 and3 are nicely coated in oil still so i think they should be ok , no 1( being nearest the front ) may just have water in it from where i turned the flywheel with a bar 5 or 6 times ,
everyones advice has been great , more please ,oh and please look at my7245 thread , more probolems .
thanks martin
Martin , Ive got to go to Bude / Launceston Mon PM.
not too far off route is it ?
I have 2 individual head sets (gaskets) for a 6911 engine if you want them.
call 01548852939
Hi , i have removed the injectors today and three of them were a bit rusty and one was oily , all four were black on the end , is this normal should they be rusty?? , would it be ok to clean them up gently with wire wool ? and apply a bit of oil .
thanks martin
Hi , with all your help i have got the water out , the oil in ,its turning on the starter with the injectors out and i have just put it all together blead up and turned her over, its a bit slow and tight and for some reason on cranking her over there was lots of smoke from the alternator and the grey wire has melted ?? why would that be ? help please .
would it be good to tow it now to start or keep winding over with injectors out?? .
thanks martin

The grey wire on the alternator is the earth wire. I'd guess that your cab earth wire and battery earth have bad connections so it finds a route to earth wherever it can. Through the alternator !!
This may also explain why it is turning over slowly.
Clean your connections, put it together, start it up and see how it runs.

Hi mike ,that would make perfect sence as i got a friend to tow it tonight with the intention of just winding over the engine but she fired straight up;) and ran for an hour , all seems ok apart from when i stopped it to try and start again and it was as if the battery was dead , i will try the leads tomorrow , thanks to all that have given advice .
martin :D
Hi , i have tryed cleaning up the terminals on the battery/ the earth on the cab and the solanoid to no avail, it still turns over realy slowly ,there are however two earth leads on the battery , a black one to the cab and a yellow one thats nat connected to anything , is this likely to be the problem ? , if so where should it be conected to ,the engine ??.
thanks martin
ye connect that to the engine i always connect the negative wire close to the starter seems to work better for some reason . bolt it to one of the bolts whiuch hold the starter on!


The correct wiring is from the negative terminal to the 13mm headed bolt under the front of the cab on the L/H side. Then there should be a braided earth wire from this bolt onto the side of the bell housing. This earths the cab and chassis.

Thanks mathew and mike , i replaced the cable from the battery to the bell housing and it started up fine ;), someone had replaced this with a earth bond from the cab to the starter with 5 mm braded wire that had coroded through inside the sleeving 69 thanks for the help everyone, i started cleaning off the pig sh*t tonight and can now start to restore her.

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