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Handbrake on 7245


New member
Level 2
Nov 20, 2009
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Is there somebody out there whith a tip about mounting the band bracket to the handbrake? ??? I found out that one of the lever pins had fallen down. Now it's back in place but how can I put the bracket in whith one pin under and one over. Please, any suggestions is appreciated... Hope you understand my english :mad:
Thanks. It's exaktly the answer I didn't want to hear :( I hoped that it's only necessary to remove the portal if you change the brakeband. I just want to slide the bracket back in place, nice and easy 69)
I had a similar problem with my 6341. I had the bottom out of the cab to work on the brakes and was able to fix the parking brake with no problem.
I cant remember exactly, but i think i once put a dislodged brake band back in place by fiddling with the slack adjuster on top, and the rear plate to which the hinge bracket is welded.

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