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5211 brakes


Level 2
Apr 29, 2013
First name
Rt brake heating up at road speed so I assume it is dragging all the time-How difficult is it to adjust the brakes??..scared to touch it afraid I will really get something out of adjustment--but maybe it's not as complicated as the owner's manual sounds. Any and all advice will be appreciated. Note: First time this same brake(rt side) totally locked up was when the park brake was pulled.
hi i tink they are self adjusting onlyway in to brakes is by removing halvshaft if they drag they most probebly is seisingupp at pivot bolts to rektyfi this you ned to pull it apart

These traktors have two separate brakes, the fottbrake is ordenary hydraulik drumm brake that is selfadjusting. The handbrake is external band which you adjust by turning two nuts on a bolt that stiks up under the cabflore, there is a round rubber plugg on both side of th driver seat for akses, to adjust you jack upp one wheel and pull the lever tre nokks upp then you losen/tighten the nuts till you can just turn the wheel by hand.
Thanks for info. Is removing half shaft assembly complicated or is it pretty basic..I know it will be heavy and require a hoist..Any info is appreciated.
Removing the portals is fearly esie but as you said the parts is hevy,
You will nead to lift the cab abaut 5cm in the rear, losen the handbrake adjusting and unnskrew the brakepipe before you unbolt and pull out the portal. On the right side you should allso engage and tie of the difflock to make instaling esier.
So when removing one half shaft/portal(I assume is the same) nothing falls apart and drops inside---then with diffy lock ties, the shaft should slide back in freely??
Hi again
Yes noting fals apart and if you dont ti of the diflock it`s no big problem, just a litle more cumbersom to aling.
In your first post you metions that the handbrake lockt upp hven you first tried it so i`d say thats your problem and sinse you have to slack down the adjustment to remowe the halfshaft i wold have tried first just to do that and tested it before remowing the portal.
Hello, yes I plan to check the hand brake adjustments first-I have not taken anything apart yet..In meantime I have used the tractor today and see that the left floor brake does nothing so left side may be first to have to go into..You know of any drawings, pictures, schematics of the brake setup? Thanks again.

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