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zetor 5545 pto issue


New member
Level 2
Apr 24, 2010
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i have a zetor 5545, i boauht it a year ago, it was a mess when i boaght it but have now tiddyed it up a bit, its a really nice tractor, nice to drive and work with, one problem with it is the pto does not work. the pump and arms work, the pto used to turn when i first bght it but when put presure on it with your hand it would stop easilly. it now does not turn at all. it is in the correct lever postion, left lever all the way forwards, then the pump and arms work but no pto. is there anything obvese i am missing or is some thing broken in the pto?


hi.pto lever all the way forward only pomp, one up pomp and pto,
one more up nutral , one more up pto is driven tru the gearboks,
and can be used if you putt hi\lo lever inn nutral for driving pumps.
Thank you!! that has made my day!! I have not put her on the rotovator now, and she runs it well. Thanks We also have a 6945, one of the newer ones where you set the speed of the pto with the lever between your legs, is it also posible on that modle to run the pump without the pto, we have had the tractor around 25 years, but have always asumned you have to have the pto running to have the pump running, hense my confusion with the 5045.
thanks again

hi agian the pto lever works the same way on the 6945.
the lever betven your legs is for selekting 540\1000 rev.

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